Sleepy checkin in......:woot new site

So still waiting for ct results, my back is in bad condition. From the middle of my back down is in bad shape, I have to take it easy. Ideally I should not be working but I can't afford time off unless truly unable to function. That is the update oh and I am back on pain meds, I can walk instead of limp now.
Thanks, last year was massive depression this major back problems. Oh well it can hopefully get better from here

Yea, I know the feeling... I already had back problems before my wreak in 07 which just added more issues....
Merning Damnert......

So besides having crazy vivid dreams again last night I think i slept a little better. I woke up once to hear Jack snoring from the other room.....for such a little dog he makes big noises.
Nice new avatar! :)

Aren't you 3hrs behind me? It's 9:41am here. Work for an hour?! :eek:

I've been at work for almost 2hrs.
LOL, it is quite humorous on how a small animal makes a lot of noise, my oldest cat snores up a storm
It is currently 6.44am, I usually roll into work at 530-600 am. Jack is just full of surprises, such a personality. I am so glad I got the little guy.
Yeah you are 3 hours behind me. That's early to get into work. What time do you "typically" get off work?
Yup on salary, my company is good to me. When I was off for 6 weeks for the last surgery I was paid in full due to working the crazy hours I work.
That's nice. Always good to do what ya can because you don't know when you might need them to help you.