Sunofwolf Random Banter Containment Thread

DID ZVM3 520 racing chain with 17/45 gears up 2 from stock in rear. Spins up real fast too. It's my back road gearing where I mostly stay only, Jap steel chain are the best. Wears out more than 2 as fast-a 13,000 or less. Stock chain can go 40,:clapping:000 miles. I put the chain on my self and gears too. Going to be fun with working tom tom and scotts damper.:excited: See stunning MZ Venus, Himalayan Seal Point Beauty.


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Front tire on tomorrow, R+g slider on. 4 stacks need cleaning then off to tear up the road with Michelin road 5 rain tires :cucumber:new sunglow tire inflator-Excellent. This vfr has a touring windscrew, lower pegs, sargent seat, raised clip ons too. Don't forget this is a rare honda 2006 Vtec 800. Has special ;lights:party: too four of them


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Got the front tire on the vfr 800, but have to put on the front calipers and brake pads. I think I will throw new pads on the front, but will do that later as the ebc pads are still good for a while. I am working super slow because its the first time I replaced the front tire myself-its not too hard but I am slow and its cold outside and I have little space -the honda si takes up a lot of room. VFR has floating brakes in front, so one bolt needs some high temp grease; it's always good for me to do the work as my butt depends on it working perfect.:lildevil: I need a can of brake cleaner.:joke:
I usually have two cans at all time- Brake cleaner is good for all kinds of things-only the flame version is any good.:bananapop:
I cured the virus- no cable tv.
  • go lookie , Westport, Conn idiots rich slobs spread virus:corona: all over the world. A plane load of people infected too.I use to live next to this stuck up town of Rich jerks in Greenfield hill- One the richest towns in the county, Only million dollor + houses there, MCMansions see for the in:corona:fo:bunny::bananapoke::bananawhipdance:
A deer attacked me today. That deer was huge and had 3'of high hills that almost went though my window, MZ Karate Deer put a huge dent on the side of a ford 250 Super Dud 3/4 van with a ford v8 with lots of dents-kind of a rolling off the side back end, butt the Ford 250 van just push the deer into another direction. Now figure that out?:lildevil:
250 ford van wins of the Evil Deer. Only a small dent, Ford steel is strong. Deer got pushed out of the way. Deer could have gone though the window. Both Deer and Van are ok. This was at about 45mph, nowhere to go in buzzy traffic in town.:box::thumbsup::unicorn::unicorn::unicorn: Kick that Deer's butt!:bananawhipdance:
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Vfr has the New Michelin road 5 on and brake's were refreshed and cleaned, wheel bearing have fresh grease and the axle too. And It was the first time I changed both tires. Last time some else put them on. Doing myself saved $130 at a MC shop, but it was a pain in the butt-the front one gave me a lot of trouble with the duel calipers and brakes. I had just enough tools to do the job with nothing to spare. VFR 800 ready to go for a long ride to nowhere. Going to get a new Helmet, my old one is 3 yrs old and worn out. Oh Wow two screw balls just went by on nasty MC's. Well spring is here and nothing is more fun than a New set of HP Michelin MC tires.:joke::lildevil::pianodance::woot:


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100% Failure by USA crony Politician's on C-19, I was there at 2001 IN NYC and they failed there too. C-19 is spread so well in NYC by the crowded subway and it is impossible to be 6 feet away from people there. Instead of testing every one in NYC, the Gov tests few people because they would rather spend your money to protect their power over people with spending a trillion dollars on new nukes. Instead of testing people they send them home to infect everyone. You can only trust yourself. the Gov lie's 100% on everything. USA Gov says don't wear a Mask, well 100% of china does and it works. Just remember USA has totally Failed and every level! The Zombie's:flame: have Won!
Several people on the forum have alluded to you being...err somewhat older? Because of this I am compelled to inform you of a few things for your own safety in this mess:

1) Masks are for if you already show symptoms. They help cut down on spewed droplets from sneezing and coughing. However, they don't do anything about you catching it.
2) The novel coronavirus lives on surfaces for around 3 days. This adds to its contagiousness.
3) Yes, due to the nature of some environments, Social Distancing can be nearly impossible.


things I like about the virus, My reg expired on the Honda. The state is not giving tickets for no reg or inspection stickers saved me $150. Speed traps a extremely low now, I don't see ticket happy cops anymore. Coward cops don't want to stop people full of Zombie's from NYC. The vehicles office is closed along with the violations court. Egg sales are up 50% or more, for us It's 200% up and we before this happen weren't even breaking even. So I am cheering for the Virus-C-!9 really shows who is the Boss. Most of the people who got the virus did so from a Family person, I live by myself in a little house and have plenty of Masks and gloves and are not going outside to see anyone I don't know and can stay 6 feet away from every one. So now the C-19 Virus rules the land and Zombie's are fleeing NYC trying to spread the virus more. USA is not a first world country any more, it is ruled by the Zombie's.
So on marches the plague brought here by wealthy do nothings. The Gov now has no control-totally Failed in every way, just like they did when 9/11 happened=just made things worse and Communist C-19 has taken over with more bugs being made as we sit here.:flame::hiding::turbopokesmiley::worms:
I go out now and give my 2000 chickens fresh water and organic chicken food patrolled by very big mean dogs and electric 2000 volt fences with Guard towers too :lildevil: Them golden chicken's are very valuable now unlike the smart phone-SP can't lay a egg!:turbopokesmiley::spazface:
Looking for a new motorcycle helmet, there are so many different one's. I guess, it will take me a while as my old one 3-4 yrs old is nasty.. Well I got to get:dogdance::ownedrun: cat food right now at chewy. Dam hard to get cat food, chewy is the best. Butt now shipping time is very slow ug. Food has gone way up. Butt chevy gave me a 40% discount.
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Looking for a new motorcycle helmet, there are so many different one's. I guess, it will take me a while as my old one 3-4 yrs old is nasty.. Well I got to get:dogdance::ownedrun: cat food right now at chewy. Dam hard to get cat food, chewy is the best. Butt now shipping time is very slow ug. Food has gone way up. Butt chevy gave me a 40% discount.

Are people hoarding cat food!?

yes they are hoarding cat food too, it pisses me off, butt chewy has wellness brand kitten food-cat food -my picky cats seem to like it- butt chevy is now shipping real slow because of hoarding cat food too.:banghead: I am looking a shoie neo tech flip helmet that is made for a Communications setup for smart phone and gps, I am trying to figure out all this stuff. The flip helmet allows you to eat food and drink without taking it off, yet provide very close to a full face in protection. Space age stuff.
Oil prices the lowest in 18 years today! I can ride my VFR 800 for almost nothing in gas. If I had all the old 6moths old gas burned up-I could run 87, but I put in 89 or higher for insurance.:eek: