Swapping K20z3 engine into 9th gen SI

I wonder why honda didn't initially put the k24 frankenstein engine in the 9th gens when they first released them?? I guess Honda was trying to save money and take a shortcut by simply transferring the tsx engine over. Even when they did a huge exterior and interior makeover for the 2013 and 2014, they didn't touch the engine. I guess it was too late at that point because they already had plans for a massive redesign in the making. Too bad honda became too complacent for the 2012 models, either wise they could have probably set history record breaking sales for the SI. 2013-14 sedan body/interior combined with k24 frankenstein equals very possibly the best SI in history.
I wonder why honda didn't initially put the k24 frankenstein engine in the 9th gens when they first released them??

Because of meeting emissions standards. Same reason for the collector as opposed to a traditional header.

Earlier in this thread in one of my posts, I mentioned that the 9th gen si had vtec only on the exhaust cam. That is incorrect and a mistake on my part. The 9th gen si has vtec only on the intake cam.
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Um. It has 8 lobes in the intake cam. 4 low profile and 4 high profile (vtec).

Damn my bad, I'm learning this as I go. I said "one" because I was thinking of the intake cam as in only ONE cam that has vtec lobes. I meant the 9th gen si only has vtec lobes in the intake cam.