Things Modern Kids Won't Recognize


Well-Known Member
Southern Ohio
This made me laugh. I was born in 1981 and there are a lot of things my little boy who is nearly 2 will find hard to comprehend when he gets older. I really need to find and purchase an Atari 2600 with the wood grain which was the first gaming system I ever played. After that was one of the best...Nintendo "NES".

BTW - I still have a My Pet Monster from early-mid 80's. Passed it on to my little one. :D

My N64 games must have so spit on the inside lol. I transfer my Donkey Kong 64 game wouldn't work until you the it against the wall a few times
Haha im 18 and my little bro is 6 and there's already a huge generation gap. Its crazy! He pulled a memory card out of my old ps2 a while ago and didn't get why i was so mad when it was in the middle of saving :mad:

That was even hard to find a decent picture of an example.
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Rotary phones & that you had to rent your phone from the phone company. Dial up internet.....

Carbon paper. Blue prints that were actually on blue paper.