Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

Dawn has the worst handling car in this thread, now that Nathan is getting his suspension together :rotfl:
Great movie. We made Josh watch it a few weeks ago, so now he loves it.

LMAO @ dawn. I'll keep an eye out for what i want.
loud, but it doesn't make noise all of the time.

honesly, I prefer the evil hissing noise over the "rumble" :hiding:
I love the sound of the intake. If I could get my ECUflash working, I'd order an intake, too, but not putting it on til that problem is addressed.
Hai, Jeff!

Jason, I've wanted the intake for a while, just can't get this **** to flash. No intake until I can tune for it.

I'm addicted to 3GWRX today. I'm tempted to order some bushings with my RSB. Placing the order today. What're your thoughts?
:rotfl: I'm imaging 5 PC's then deploying them/setting them up for the customers. So that's why I'm at my desk now.

Exhaust shoot? Why would you want to take pictures of exhausts? lol
People like this... I just don't get:

"The spoiler I had made bought a 11 spoiler new and got it carbon fiber wrapped took a few weeks and 1000 bucks"