Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

One more thing to keep in mind Jeff, when you see road signs telling of speed for an upcoming corner, if under 30 mph, pay attention. the slower it tells you, the more serious it is.
Tater tots. Mmmmmmm.

I took JoshSTI on a cruise around tw country areas I used to cruise in my teen years. Don't remember the roads well enough to have much fun, but I can certainly say I miss driving like that regularly.

We may go over the mountain to harrah's casino tomorrow. Gotta bring my car to a tire shop. It shakes at high speed. I think the people who mounted my tires on the new wheels sucked at balancing. I also need to adjust the sway. I'm getting clunking now that I think relates to it being off centered. My mom's driveway is moving everything around.
I had a MOrning Cinnamon Raisin Bagel with plain cream cheese (toasted of course) with Iced Tea! :D