Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

House closing is two weeks from tomorrow! That's where I've been. Thinking about making a thread of these damn renovations were doing. I'm all HGTVed.
I'm all for renovations. Document it. Years down the road you can look back at how things used to look.
It's ******* stressing me out. Hardcore.

I'm gonna make a pic thread of the renovations :)

We close November 30th! So that will be the day I do first pics.
My grandparents have a class a contracting business, so they were gonna do the work. Now we just have another contractor doing it and I'm sure they will monitor.
Good Morning Everyone :wave:

I usually get on here at work but haven't had time to get on here. :(
Lunchtime posting from the IPad... GF is hopefully getting a CRV this weekend, there a few around with good miles for a good price, no more Escrap to deal with....