What are you having for dinner?

Let me know how you like it. It's got a strong lemon flavor but the thyme and rosemary accompanied by the butter sauce with the pasta make it even out I think. I could probably just dip it in hummus and eat it like that

Scrambled Eggs, Home Fries/Hashbrowns, Crispy Turkey Bacon and Wheat Toast :)

I'm making it now.
Just had some Taco Bell.... lol
Going to culinary school and i cook most every day in my house, was tired and decided to try something different... now my stomach hurts :barf:
You should post some pics of your creations :excited:

Tonight we're having chicken. No idea what I'm doing with it or what is going with it :\
Ok ;P

Linguini with Fresh Pesto sauce and oriental seasoned salmon
Fresh Mozzarela on top as well as in the sauce...yummmyyyy

Forgot what this is called but it is essentially a cupcake sliced into 2 pieces, covered with a strawberry jam of sorts topped with whipped cream.


I am just starting culinary school, second day was today but i have been cooking for a couple years now.
I just kinda...throw a bit of this and a bit of that in there :rotfl:
I was taught to cook by my Italian side of the family :rotfl:

occasionally theres a recipe but most of the time its throwing stuff in a pan and dinner happens