What would you like to see more of here on 9th?

I know there is a Media section (videos), but is there a Photos section? Must be, I didn't see it though. I wanted to put my Weather Photos thread there, but couldn't find it....I can't remember where I put that. :scratches:
It would be nice if we could see where the person was located under the Avatar. That's asking a lot however. .........just saying because you asked. :)
Ya, IDK....Photos so important (very visual) and
I find the organization a little confusing for me (not the sharpest tool in the shed).

There is an Introductions and Pictures Section (I would take the word Pictures off and rename this to New Member Introductions). Members usually ask new members to post a pick their ride anyway so the word Pictures is not really needed and I find misleading because is the thread about new members or about pictures...to me they are very different.

I would start a new section entitled Pictures and put it beside the Media (Videos) one. Then I would move the already started picture threads into that Main one as sub forums.
I would also move the "I'm looking for Pictures" out of the New Member Introductions thread and put it into the newly created main pictures thread.
Ummm.....maybe the New Members section which I suggested is not a good choice because you have the map of where everybody is located in there. Perhaps the title could be "New Member Introductions and Member Locations (?????) Shi*t thats a long title ha ha.

BTW...that map map is THE COOLEST!
Okay...I'm talking to myself but had another idea. IF you are evn considering making any of the above changes then I would suggest Changing the Media tile to plain old Pictures and Videos. This way there would be 1 less main section compared to my previous idea of adding Photos beside Media.
Ya, ya.... I know i know. I can't help it......This is what I was doing on 9thGen. Cleaning up threads and, moving and shaking them. Spent a lot of time especially in the DIY section.
I've seen several forums having levels based on likes. Think that would be fun to have different levels above our avatar, examples, Level 1 Unloved, Level 2 Effection Seeker, Level 3 One to like, Level 10 Like whoring Level 20 Like Pimp, Level 99 To much love! etc