Sample 30 beers...then go for a night run and hit a bear.
thats just the way it seems to me in a nice way by every1
and if im wrong then i opoligize its just that i grew up learning how to read between the lines in life .
I've been to the dragon a total of 5 times
I can watch it on my IPhonethey blocked it from ipad viewing?
I didn't think it was the exhaust video when Greg posted it on FB... I stopped after 30 seconds..
I'm glad I skipped past the first 1 min 30 seconds..
That's the first time I've heard my car from outside. I'm surprised how loud it was
Connor's supercharger whine is epic
that supercharger wine
... Connor S2K is still stupid
I agree about the supercharger.
Like Greg that's the first time I've really heard my car "from the outside" and it sounded pretty good. On the downside though, that's the first time I've really seen the full effect of my "smokescreen". I'm sure most of that was just dust from the road....Yeah that's the ticket. Dust from the road.