AlienPrime is here to stay!


Avada Kedavra
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I can tell you one thing though that is HUGELY different.
The back-end of the site. I've dealt with webby, I've dealt with the other side's owners...and guess what, I came back to webby.
Why? He cares. You'll see if you stick around. Check out the post count of the admins there...then come back and look at webby 's
That's a sign of someone who cares about his staff and members. He's as active as we are.

You can have your brownish cookieish have to give us a chance :P
Good luck with Dwayne & Stew. I've had my share of them a long time ago. I'll stand with webby forever.
These two were both Admins on 8th when Webby ran it, and when VS (Stew/Sidekicks) took over. They left because of the BS and horrible ethics and came here for Webby on their own accord. The rest of us that were admin/supermod/mod for a long time on 8th are here now. The new people just get used by VS, and when they get tired of running it for VS and making a profit for them while getting not even a THANK YOU in return from the owners, they leave and someone else fills the shoes and the cycle continues. All while the members of 8th and 9thgen get shafted. Forgive me for being skeptical. If you guys want to stay here, then fantastic, I'd love to see more traffic on here. Webby and the others who work really hard to make this a great friendly, and honest community deserve it. If you go back to the other site because this is "lame & boring" then we go back to where we were 12 hours ago. Some time or other people will see what a monstrosity of an organization vertical scope is ( if they affiliate themselves with SCTuned and side with vendors over their members, then it says enough).


North NJ
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Fiji Blue Pearl Coupe Coolest Member Since: May 15, 2011
I thought Import DPS bought SCTuned.


Toys For Tots
importdps said:
Whats up Guys!!

This year our Goal was to go really hard in the Evo Market by supplying you with products you all know work and get you some good pricing on them. Let me be real honest, I am a very up front person. You get Carlos Diaz 24/7 the same way from day to day. Just like you, I am real and I make sure that my customers get treated the same way our suppliers treat me or theres a problem.

SCTuned is a full 1 stop facility that Consists of over now $300,000 of REAL inventory for not only the Evo, but all the other top Imports. We are currently in the process of purchasing a Evo 9 sometime in the spring. We have a dyno ( upgrading to a awd shortly) VP Race Fuel Station ( C12, C16 always ready) Nitrous Refill's and we also have one of the best teams of mechanics and fabricators in the area.

SCTuned consists of 2 companies, Import DPS and SCTuned with SCTuned handling the business, parts side of things while the Import DPS does the Race Car Builds. We have currently three 7 second cars, two 8 second cars and a variety of 9-10-11 second street vehicles that we have built. We attended some events in 07 at Englishtown Raceway, Atco Raceway and Maple Grove, but this year we plan on being at every event with booth's of parts and models for the guys to take some pictures with

Here are some pictures of our Facility so you can see, we mean business.


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pelzer sc
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I'm registered on both and this is my preferred site due to the drama and immaturity on the other site. I'm glad to see 9thcivic grow over the other. Wouldn't really hurt my feelings to see the other go, kinda like it wouldn't hurt my feelings if certain people just run up underneath an 18 wheeler. This is by far the best 9th site.


Toys For Tots
The owners didn't care there were over $20,000 in outstanding car part orders (owed to users) by a company they added to 8th. I warned them endlessly. They said they'd give the company a chance and watch over things. They just had another incident with them like a month ago? They deleted like 14 pages of users missing orders because the vendor gave away a flashpro to smooth things over. Sounds good.


An ambulance service that is bad? OUCH!

I just hate it when a company runs a forum and only cares about the money. The members and staff are all expendable...even replaceable and the ban button is also very easy to click.
Webby is a real genuine and caring person, an individual. I've met him in person. Top notch guy.


Avada Kedavra
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Webby is a real genuine and caring person, an individual. I've met him in person. Top notch guy.

Eh... I wouldn't go that far. He's alright.

I'd at least have him over for dinner a few times... :P :hiding: <3