Deal with it
Essentially, it's probably something similar to that above.http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2012...ficient-windows-are-melting-her-toyota-prius/
I know this is not related to your issue, however it may be something to consider?
Imagine it's really hot outside, sun is out and hardly any clouds around. Now take a mirror or anything large and reflective and make the sun point to any spot on your paint. Then let it sit there for an hour or two and that is what you get.
Something around your car reflected the sun to a spot on your car for an extended length of time and started to melt it. It's rare, but it happens. Most likely the plastic and paint both melted from the intense heat.
It's not a defect, just really no different than you taking a magnifying glass to your car. Large windows tend to do this...or even someone's rear-view mirror reflecting the sun.
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