^^ " My dad's a television repair man... he's got an awesome set of tools.... "
View attachment 15273
I wonder what we could accomplish if we combined all of our powers
I love those muffins. I love all muffins.Small perk of the job.
MUFFINS!!!View attachment 15491
Grocery store management
That's what he gets for owning a smart car...This is what we did to one of the squad leaders car today while bored.View attachment 15820
Can't really take pictures, but I to am a technician. I work for a Company called R*a**yth**eon. I work on integrated weapon systems for a depot.
Found a picture of what I build. I am stuck below decks now working on the Racks (cabinets/brains for the system)View attachment 27381
Lol, its a called NATO Sea Sparrow. The Company is RaytheonDar-Dar said:Stark industries?