Photos iMid Pics & Wallpapers


Gotta Love It
Bedford, Ma
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alright so as usual, I need some help again. I swear I have the worst luck with these wallpapers. I can get em to work and then outta know where I cant. I tried both of these in both 960x468 as well as 480 x 234. all different file sizes and I cant get them to load on the car. can anyone try their luck.


Mayela Barron

Well-Known Member
Mayela Barron - did you ever get your stuff working?

Hey sorry its been a while since ive read your messages, I gave up on trying again but fixing to do it right now. I have been to my dealer since then and they told me to bring my laptop in next time with my USB and they will give it a shot. Hopefully it works this time.

Mayela Barron

Well-Known Member
Okay, thats exactly what I have been doing except for changing the quality to Cubic, it was set on Sinc (Lanczos 3), whatever that means. Changed it but guess what??... it still doesn't work. I'm thinking that maybe its an issue with my USB. Im just going to buy a new one and try it again. If it doesn't work Ill be making a little trip to my dealership. Hate that I always have bad luck.


Well-Known Member
Minneapolis, MN
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Honda Civic Si
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This is going to be an odd question, but I have always had issues with uploading photos to the i-MID. It's very particular on the models I've used it on (and I've had three 9th gens thus far). I am a Mac user, and sometimes photos will upload from the USB...othertimes they won't. It's very bizarre.

Additionally, I have resized images to fit the dimensions listed in the car book and on here, but for some reason, when I'm able to get it uploaded, there is ALWAYS black on the left and right sides, despite the ideal image size being done.

Any advice? I'll try a different flash drive, but the resizing and black edges is an ongoing issue with the i-Mid for me.


Well-Known Member
Boca Raton, Florida
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
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This is going to be an odd question, but I have always had issues with uploading photos to the i-MID. It's very particular on the models I've used it on (and I've had three 9th gens thus far). I am a Mac user, and sometimes photos will upload from the USB...othertimes they won't. It's very bizarre.

Additionally, I have resized images to fit the dimensions listed in the car book and on here, but for some reason, when I'm able to get it uploaded, there is ALWAYS black on the left and right sides, despite the ideal image size being done.

Any advice? I'll try a different flash drive, but the resizing and black edges is an ongoing issue with the i-Mid for me.

For the Macs, make sure it doesn't let you select a hidden "ghost" thumb of the picture -- can have an underscore or period before the name. I use Photoshop to edit and resize anything as it usually yields the best results. I would expect GIMP would work quite well as a replacement if you are on a budget (free).


Well-Known Member
Minneapolis, MN
Vehicle Model
Honda Civic Si
Body Style
I did notice that it shows two of each file name: the NAME.jpg and the _.NAME.jpg file...the ghost image you speak of.

I was using free services to resize online, but if GIMP works for Mac, I should probably download it. I need a Photoshop equivalent on my computer, anyways.

It could just me being stupid (though I'm usually pretty good with tech), but I get wildly inconsistent results will the i-MID photo uploading haha.


Well-Known Member
Boca Raton, Florida
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
Body Style
I did notice that it shows two of each file name: the NAME.jpg and the _.NAME.jpg file...the ghost image you speak of.

I was using free services to resize online, but if GIMP works for Mac, I should probably download it. I need a Photoshop equivalent on my computer, anyways.

It could just me being stupid (though I'm usually pretty good with tech), but I get wildly inconsistent results will the i-MID photo uploading haha.

Yeah, make sure you aren't selecting the one with the underscore, it definitely will not work.

Services online are probably the least reliable things to use in my experience. Even Preview is better (I think it can resize? I forget what I use in a pinch on a Mac)

As for GIMP, I'm 100% sure it works in OSX -- it works on most Unix systems (of which OSX is one of them).

I just uploaded 3 with the sizing listed in this thread on a FAT32 4GB drive and it worked perfectly! :) (Even though the iMid takes 9 years to load a tiny picture)