Michael Perez
Well-Known Member
Are the cooler spark plugs a must? Or just recommended?
About how much are these sc kits?
One more thing: PM ME FOR A SPECIAL FORUM ONLY DISCOUNT ON THIS FIRST BATCH OF SUPERCHARGERS! If you already placed your order, just PM me with your forum username, and I'll apply the discount to your current order.
I Know its been a few months. lol but is this still in effect?
its worth a try right? lol
so kinda confused here...do you lose your cars a/c when using this supercharger?
great! i know what on my Christmas list now!No the kit lets you keep all oem features.
How does it stack up on the street? Anyone taken down subies, Camaros, etc?
Wow, you took down a STi? How I would have loved to see that. Any plans to take her to the strip and put up some 1/4 mile times?