>>> 2017 9thcivic.com Calender | Enter Now! <<<

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Here's your chance to show your stuff and let everyone see your awesome ride for the coming year.
Post up your favorite personal high-resolution photos for possible submission into the 2017 9thcivic.com Calendar.

Unless your entry is COMPLETE and following the rules below, it will not qualify.

Calendar Entry Rules:

1. Photo must be larger than 3500x2300 pixels
2. Photo must be larger than 3500x2300 pixels

3. Photo must be larger than 3500x2300 pixels

www.imgur.com supports uploading images this size.

4. Post pictures of your own car. If it's not your car, the owner has to ok its use.
5. Car must be a 9th generation honda civic
6. No major alterations or collages
7. Absolutely NO WATERMARKS allowed.
8. No people posed in photos
9. No visible stickers from other forums (come on, really...)

10. Did you read rules 1-3?

How to determine your image size?

To find out the file size and dimensions of an image that is stored on your computer:
  1. Open the file where the image is saved.
  2. Place your cursor over the image icon, and right-click if you are using a PC or Ctrl-click if you are using a Mac.
  3. Choose Properties.
  4. Click the Details tab.
  5. Scroll down to the:

  • Image section - To view the image dimensions.
  • File section - To view the image file size.
Please look at your photo size before posting it here.


1. We will NOT edit your photos for you
2. We will NOT remove watermarks. (This is a copyright infringement.)
3. If you post your entry in this thread, make sure it is a complete and correct entry.
4. Please read 1, 2, and 3 again.

Thematic and Seasonal pictures are encouraged.

We will update the list of rules as needed.

The staff reserves the right to set time limits and choose the winners.

If you've entered a photo in this thread, please verify your own images to make sure they qualify -

Web Browser
To find the file size and dimensions of an image that is currently on a webpage:

  1. View the image URL in your web browser.
  2. Place your cursor over the image, and right-click (PC) or Ctrl-click (Mac).
  3. If you're using:
  • Internet Explorer - Choose Properties.
  • Firefox - Choose View Image Info.
  • Safari - Choose Inspect Element and then click on Images on the left-hand side. Click on the image and view the properties in the Styles section on the right-hand side.
    Note: Safari doesn't display the image file size, but you can typically Ctrl-click to save the image and view the properties.
  • Chrome - You'll have to have install an app that lets you view the properties within the browser. Example - (https://goo.gl/FNHyrX)
  1. Locate the "Size" line that shows the image's file size and the "Dimensions" line to see the height and width in pixels.

If they DO NOT qualify, please edit your photo out of the post so this thread isn't cluttered with countless photos.
  • Thread starter
  • Staff
  • #2



^ The above tags every member of this forum that has over 31 posts. I am not calling any specific person out to this post. Please do not quote the above tag unless you like to make people angry.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure my submission is good to go with all the rules. please tell me if its not



Well-Known Member
how do i edit photos to make them the spec thats needed? every photo place i go to to do it wont work
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