Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

ron v

The Forum Idiot
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Si Coupe
cmon everybody let’s freak the **** out. Or let’s look at some credible info that’s puts us at a mortality rate of .037% View attachment 60458

swine flu infected reportedly 60 million worldwide and killed 12000 yet no mass hysteria. Again am I missing something here?

realized my phone autocorrected and meant 3.7. Every time I write numbers my phone tries to convert it to dollars. Guess it has something on its mind.

ron v

The Forum Idiot
Vehicle Model
Body Style
Si Coupe
Just booked a round trip flight for my girl and me to San Fran for $200 out the door next weekend. Taking full advantage of these deals while they last.


If the Foo...well, you know. Just wear it.
Kirkland, WA
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Just booked a round trip flight for my girl and me to San Fran for $200 out the door next weekend. Taking full advantage of these deals while they last.

**** is hitting the fan out here. Stay away!!

Washington just shut down all restaurants and bars, limited retail. It’s getting creepy as f*** as the government just waltzes in and tells us we’re no allowed to do anything.


Toys For Tots
I know at least a few states that have shut all inside dining down. Drive through and delivery were still available, but that’s it. Some have just done certain counties.

The local hospitals have stopped all elective surgeries. They’ve canceled everything non-life threatening surgical starting Monday.


Well-Known Member
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Civic SI
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C-19-the worst is coming in the next two weeks. Following Italy, we aren't doing much different they Italy getting hit very hard. It may be like a flu but 10 times worst that's a huge difference. It's shutting down the whole economic system. China a biggest suppler is totally unreliable. Most of the supply problems are brought on by greedy companies in the US putting out lossy products made in China. Greedy people are causing supply problems-I got all the tolet paper to wipe my fat *** people. So far the only real response has been to shut things down and scare people into panic. Just goes to show how our money has been wasted by the Military spending billions of dollars on keeping people more unsafe. One trillion dollars are being spent in the next 10 yrs on doomsday Nukes that we all ready have. We interfere in other country's problems when its not our job to fix them and it just makes things worse. So I give the response to C-19 a F Fail on every level! :flame::joke::spazface::toilet: where's my tolet paper?:worms: Oh One good thought my cats and wolf's are safe-they have natural immunity to this Virus C-19. I do vaccinate the cats for all kinds of virus's- they are always treated better than Nasty people! I also have the Best 100% organic chicken eggs in the world-they are also immune to C-19. The chickens go out and run all over the place and are Fed 100% organic feed. I did not raise my price's on eggs- although I will because they are in extreme demand. Farmers are the most under paid people I can think of, so if they don't like the prices too Bad screw them.
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Super Mod
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'12 Civic Si
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DBP II Coupe
We has a trip to Phoenix planned at the end of the month. I decided to cancel it last Monday. I am not taking any chances at being someone who could spread this around. That would be absolutely irresponsible. It is frustrating to read all the accounts of people not taking this seriously.


Well-Known Member
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Civic SI
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You are correct, I am mad at the way people are only thinking of them self's taking every last bit of tolet paper. The farmers market had a lot of faces I never seen before-mostly out of state people carrying spreading the virus, buying up everything in sight, so the poor local people who have less money than fancy Boston, Conn, NH don't have enough Fresh food. The market is located right off the Major Hwy. I just talked to someone on the Canadian Border who had no reports of C-19-well now they do Just today, thanks to some body running from the Virus. A poor driving service driver. Well there are going to be Zero cheap eggs for a while. As I too don't care about anybody but myself too join the crowd. I however are not spreading the bug by going to places I don't need to go and when I do go into a Walmart or the farmers market if they even have it. I will wear a mask and plastic gloves and only stay long enough that I have to. I came up with a few more precautions- take a shower after going out to any store- the virus could be all over you not just your hands. Wash your hands at least for 20 sec's or more with soap. Simple soap works 60% better than hand sanitizer and much cheaper too. And this is a Great fun one to add Buy some butterscotch Dr. McGillacuddy's Liqueur 21% alc and take a shot or three- this will kill C-19 if it got into your mouth and give you a nice Buzz too- just $14 for a nice bottle taste real good too. But don't tell everyone-I don't want that to go back up to $17-then I refuse to buy it.:beer: I don't think beer has enough alc to kill the virus C-19.:chopwood::excited::flame: The virus is good for one thing letting people know they are doing a horrible Job- GOV Hacks!!
The real truths is in a Banna Republic -YOUR on YOU Own and don't Call us unless You got a Check!
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Toys For Tots
I did not raise my price's on eggs- although I will because they are in extreme demand.
Look at price gouging laws by state

  • Selling or offering for sale "necessities at an unconscionable price" when there is an abnormal market disruption (typically a declaration by the Governor).
  • Charged as an unfair act (civil violation); civil fine of up $10,000; criminal penalties of up to $1,000 and/or up to 3 yrs. in prison.


Well-Known Member
Dallas, Texas
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Civic LX
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I'm essential staff, so I'm like one of the handful of people on an entire University Campus. It straight up feels like what Y2K was SUPPOSED to be.


Well-Known Member
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Civic SI
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Mayan's were right about the World ending, they were off by a few years. Doomsday is here. Just to add to the Fire with my 2 cents. First thing to go is all the worthless IT people. Is tech going to grow food Or the sun? Only the farmers will survive and I ant's sharing nothing.:turbobananapoke::wheee::violin:


If the Foo...well, you know. Just wear it.
Kirkland, WA
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You’re using tech to spew the drivel of your keyboard. The one thing not being interrupted as it can largely be done remotely is IT. Your binge watching of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu or Pornhub is sponsored by IT. Your playing of video games is IT.

Unless you’re at home reading old paperback novels and listening to vinyl 33s, and eating food from your backyard alone, your typical mouth-breathing, hairy-bellied vision of an IT person is behind you doing whatever you’re doing.


Well-Known Member
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Civic Si
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We are still on normal schedule.

Congrats on the OT! What did you have to do today? Just take calls for people having issues and remote into them if needed?

Since I'm tier 2 and don't have access to the call queues all we had to do was monitor the chat channels and the case queues. So basically I did incident coordination. Just shuffled the cases to right queue. It was nice.

Hey, congrats dude! :party:
Thanks dude!!

I'm essential staff, so I'm like one of the handful of people on an entire University Campus. It straight up feels like what Y2K was SUPPOSED to be.

Yup. They sent out a companywide email urging people to stay at home if possible. Except if you're Desktop or Data Center. We'll be here as long as the campus isn't closed. If they end up closing the campus then my team might get to work remotely.

It’s ugly

Oh yeah it was. Officially the worst day since the 1987 crisis. 12.9% down. Getting scary out there.


Well-Known Member
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Civic SI
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Good to know my eggs are 300% up today! Frat furt Wooo WQeee!:spazface: Biggest Organic farm in Maine! No shortage of dough here!:badger: For Mee! You get nothing! May put my CAI intake on the Honda now
I work with a master ASE 34+ old mechanic with a custom lift garage to install anything including a turbo. I may turn my civic into a full custom hand made tuner car. Like my SRT-4 is, butt faster. King of the world's finalist organic eggs and King Organic Finalist cranberries in the world also. :banana whip2: Th:woot:e world's Best or Nothing at all!
King Mr. Ceasar is World Famous, Himalayan White Flame Point male with Reddish ears and tail. He is Cat Royalty with tens of thousand years of special breeding going back to Persian and Egyptian Breeding and was and still consider a God walking!
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