and people thought it was a stupid idea for a movie
It’s freakin hot here in SD. For like the next two weeks straight 95+
Who is "the chancellor"? Is that like the dean?A Lotus Seven!
OMGOMGOMG It's beautiful!
Good Morning, everyone! It was nice and like 74 degrees this morning, so the Civic drove like a champ. Even though this weekend was a real battle, it's kinda nice to see the kids roaming around campus again -- mask and all. I was gonna bring the board until they told me that **THE CHANCELLOR** was visiting today, so I gotta wait.
So in the University hierarchy, each school in the system has a Dean. Superceding the Dean is an overall University President. Our School system has one President for each campus. The Chancellor is the overall President of all of our University campuses. He has his own security and everything when he shows up.
doesnt matter how much time ive spent in college(s). With a title like Chancellor still makes me picture stuff like this
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