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- #1,321
Well-Known Member
Good Mornign Damnert.......why does not work damnert.
okie dokie, I gotta get some work down and prep for my holiday as I am off work all next week......have a good day.
webby no gives us lolGood Mornign Damnert.......why does not work damnert.
give me admin powers I will figure out a way....lmao . Ask the lovely 2fast to do it.....she loves me and all that stuff...I don't think I can change any of that stuff..lol
I don't have admin powers ..lol
hey since u kids have no need for me as mode can you change my title to honory member......I wanna feel special....lmao
keep it down sheltered man....What's a mode? Is that a new position? lol
keep it down sheltered man....
:damnert: where are the ones with the magical powers.....? I was gonna write Nshit....but didnt think that was a good idea. I am feeling mischevious for some reason.