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Do you get a demo for work?
No company trucks where available... So my car had to be used, cannot complain thou I get .53 cents a mile for rembersment, few hundred bucks in my pocket travels?
Only $.53.. meh we get $.55 lol
Yikes. That's pretty low. :-/
You staying up there for a while?
I'm out shopping... I am buying some new clothes. For work mainly
I have a wedding to go to later today.
What's everyone's plans for the weekend?
I am sitting in the front lawn of a church with my gf, trying to sell some of her photos?
This afternoon, I dunno what I am gonna do
Going to a local hillclimb, and detailing the car up a bit today, WBM tomorrow, off from work on Monday to rest & recover
Washed the vette, returned a movie to Redbox, visited bank, spray painted some metal outdoor furniture, mowed my property... so far.
Shes an artist? Painter?
Nice! Never been to a hillclimb sounds redneck lol
Come up to Reading, PA in August for the best one of the year, lots of high HP cars attend that one.
You mean the annual run up to the pagoda?