My friends tell me H&R and eibach springs are good, but I also hear coilovers are better. I havent decided but most likely springs since Im covering school as well.
coilovers have the benefit of raising/lowering your car to whatever amount you want where springs are a set drop. Negative aspect of coils - they run like 4x the cost of a spring set.
Yeah, I've looked at some coilovers and they're $1,000+ Lol but in time we will see. Most of my friends just got springs. If its worth the money I will save, But I want to drop it so bad! Also I don't want to get springs and not have a smooth ride or a satisfying or not low enough drop. I want to slam that thing!
Ive read on some reviews on some springs (I forgot which brand) and they've been saying the drop was about an inch or 1.7 inches. the front tires tuck but the back not so much. It just covers the gap. If I want springs im waiting for Eibach sportline springs. They say those handle well and have a very good drop.