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What does this order status mean?

Status Description
Your order has just been placed, but the charges have not yet been authorized by your bank or PayPal.


Verification Your order is being processed through our order verification system. If we need any additional information from you regarding your order, we will contact you via phone or email.
Pending If your order status is "Pending", we need additional information from you to process your order. Please contact our customer service department so that we may further assist you at 1-877-809-1659.

Ready for Production

Your order has been successfully authorized by the bank/PayPal and is now waiting in queue to be printed.


Your order is currently being printed at our production facility.

Ready to ship

Your order has been printed and is currently waiting to be picked up by the shipping company. Once it has been picked up, you will receive an email containing a shipment confirmation and tracking information (if available).


Your order has shipped and is on its way to you. The tracking information has been emailed to you if available. You can also login to your account and view your order history to obtain tracking information. https://members.cafepress.com/account/orderhistory.aspx


Your order was not authorized by the bank. This is usually the result of a typo in the credit card number or expiration date. Please call customer service at 1-877-809-1659 to correct this.


Your order has been cancelled. The authorization on your credit card or PayPal account will drop off in approximately 3-5 business days.