ADExternal's PMM Civic aka Orianna


Lvl: 99 Modifier
Houston, Tx
Vehicle Model
Civic Ex
Body Style
Another shot of before and after.


JC Menon

I have civic 2012 purchased in April 2012. I have been watching this thread for long. Got inspired and finally decided to add temperature sensor and rear view camera. This was my first trial and I was not able to execute either of the project successfully. The problem was with the 32 pin connector. I purchased JAE pins as mentioned in the thread, but it does not seem to get connected. Can you please help me with how to crimp and connect with the 32 pin imid and tach connector. I am very much disappointed, any help will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Ville de Quebec
Vehicle Model
2012 LX
Body Style
Dyno Blue Pearl Sedan (FB2)
I have civic 2012 purchased in April 2012. I have been watching this thread for long. Got inspired and finally decided to add temperature sensor and rear view camera. This was my first trial and I was not able to execute either of the project successfully. The problem was with the 32 pin connector. I purchased JAE pins as mentioned in the thread, but it does not seem to get connected. Can you please help me with how to crimp and connect with the 32 pin imid and tach connector. I am very much disappointed, any help will be appreciated.
I had the same problem with both. My connectors were not getting far enough down into the pin slot, so there was no contact being made. I was really scared to push the pin in too far because it was a tight fit and I knew it would be very difficult to get out. But once I got the pins down far enough they had contact and everything lit up. Hang in there. I know how it is to have to take apart the dash and put it back together without success. You will get it. :)


Lvl: 99 Modifier
Houston, Tx
Vehicle Model
Civic Ex
Body Style
Neither are easy mods so don't be discouraged. It takes time and patience, the feeling once you completed it is priceless. You can do what Paul mentioned and work your way back checking each connection. I'm still in rehabilitation since my nervous cord injury but I'm still about to check the forums on my phone.


Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
Dude! What happened? You ok? Spinal cord injury sounds serious.


Lvl: 99 Modifier
Houston, Tx
Vehicle Model
Civic Ex
Body Style
I was doing some charity work, neck took a blow, nothing broken, no trauma or stroke. So Ill make pretty good recovery, its just gonna be a long process. At first I haqd no ability to move anything from neck down, but im gradually moving each section of my body. The doctor is like, more people dont recover fully but you seem to be in the best situation after what happened to make a full recov. If anything, this got me planning my sound system.

Guess where im gonna put this!! :) No... not just sitting in the trunk -.-

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JC Menon

Neither are easy mods so don't be discouraged. It takes time and patience, the feeling once you completed it is priceless. You can do what Paul mentioned and work your way back checking each connection. I'm still in rehabilitation since my nervous cord injury but I'm still about to check the forums on my phone.

Wish you a speedy recovery. Thanks a lot for the encouraging words.

JC Menon.

JC Menon

I had the same problem with both. My connectors were not getting far enough down into the pin slot, so there was no contact being made. I was really scared to push the pin in too far because it was a tight fit and I knew it would be very difficult to get out. But once I got the pins down far enough they had contact and everything lit up. Hang in there. I know how it is to have to take apart the dash and put it back together without success. You will get it. :)

Thank you Paul so much for the encouragement. I will try it again, have ordered the JAE Pins again and will wait for them to come.
JC Menon