Cute animal videos and pics thread :D



Injured Kitten Wears Mushroom Costume as Treatment -

Word has just come throughTwitter that Wasabi-chan, the cutest kitten in the world, has died.
The three-month-old had been suffering from epilepsy, but it appeared that she was making progress after surviving a brutal crow attack in June. We first fell in love with the tiny kitten last month, after a photo of her wearing the mushroom suit her owner's grandmother crocheted for her went viral. The purpose of the outfit was to keep her still while she was being fed through a tube.

The picture that started it all.
According to Mari Kiyomiya, who helped me translate Wasabi-chan's owner,@Jessiepon's, tweets from Japanese, Wasabi was brought to the vet this morning in critical condition, and was being treated in the ICU. A golden retriever, like the one she lived with at home, was in a cage next to her so she wouldn't be lonely when she woke up.

One of my favorite pictures of Wasabi-chan.
Sadly, just a few hours later, Jessiepon confirmed that she had passed away at 6:30 PM, Tokyo time. "Wasabi was a brave fighter until the very end," she wrote. "I thank everyone for the kind messages." The exact cause of her death is unknown at this time.

Wasabi-chan's brave spirit broke language barriers, and her cuteness brought smiles to the faces of her thousands of fans from around the world who are mourning her loss today. I hope that she is now running around in kitty heaven free from pain, and am grateful that she was so well cared for, and able to receive so much love during her short time on earth.
May she rest in peace.

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:pout: I followed this kitten daily on Instagram :(


Well-Known Member
How are you going to let that cute thing go? haha I kept my fosters >_<
Does he have a booboo? I noticed the wrap.

Hahaha! It will be hard to do, no doubt. :)

He's actually wearing a doggy diaper since he's not trained yet, nor do we know if he will ever be. It's a washable wrap that you place disposable pads in.

Don't know much about him other than they said he was a stray and he came from Indianapolis, figure he's around 2 and has not been neutered yet. We had only seen a pic before offering to take him but after picking him up it was apparent he has some neurological issues and a small bump on his belly, which the vet said was a small hernia. He's also had a few seizures now so we just started him on meds, but they make him clumsy.

Really breaks our hearts since he's SO cute and I hate watching my wife cry holding him when he has a seizure. :(

I know she won't let him go to just anyone and unless we find an owner looking to put in the time required to care for him we'll likely end up keeping him. He is very snugly and loves giving nose kisses! :)

All 3 of them for an xmas pic! :)


aww poor little guy :( He's really cute.
I hope everything works out for the best, whatever that may be!
Kobi used to have seizures and it was really hard to watch :( My brother was the designated seizure person it seemed. He always seemed to know when it was going to happen and was right there with him.


Rescuing animals in the best thing....

I might be getting a 5th cat, friend of mine sister wants to get rid of her kitten cause it too crazy and she can't put up with it anymore.....
I don't know how anyone can get rid of a pet. You should know what you're getting into before you get one.
I'm glad you might be taking it in though :) It'll be much loved in your care


I love the early bonding I got with my two because I fostered them. I couldn't wait until they were 8-9 weeks to just adopt. I had to have them right away at 3 weeks. They'd be completely different kitties had I let someone else raise them.


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I love the early bonding I got with my two because I fostered them. I couldn't wait until they were 8-9 weeks to just adopt. I had to have them right away at 3 weeks. They'd be completely different kitties had I let someone else raise them.

The second cat in my zoo was 3 weeks old when I found her and was given 48 hours to live when I got her to a vet. I had to carry her everywhere I went and take care of her, when I was home the oldest would take care of her like it was her own.... 8 years later we are so close it's scary...