Injector misfire with forced induction kits..


Kung-Fu Panda
Boston, MA
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
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Well-Known Member
queens, ny
Vehicle Model
civic si
Body Style
Looks like ill try these out!!! My old "tuner" gapped the plugs instead of changing them when i upgraded to the prl stage 2 kit.. If i get these plugs should i keep them gapped as they are now?? Dont change it?? Just wanna make sure


Kung-Fu Panda
Boston, MA
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
Body Style
Looks like ill try these out!!! My old "tuner" gapped the plugs instead of changing them when i upgraded to the prl stage 2 kit.. If i get these plugs should i keep them gapped as they are now?? Dont change it?? Just wanna make sure

Always gap plugs. You don't know if they have been dropped before. And changed the gap. Just don't use the piece of crap auto zone old school gapper. The one that's round. That thing sucks. Use one like this. And you grab the electrode with the small opening at the end of the tool. That's how you adjust the gap. Otherwise with the other tool. You'll snap the iridium tip off. snapongapper.jpg


Well-Known Member
queens, ny
Vehicle Model
civic si
Body Style
Cool.. Good to know.. Well the other tuner did gap them.. And the car has been good.. So ill probably just leave them.. I was just curious about using the stock plugs.. Definetly gonna change them now.. Thanks for the lesson!!!


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@323 yes I did upgrade the spark plugs. They are the NGK 1422 plugs. I believe they were gapped at .032. I was thinking about that as well. I might pull them out and gap them at .028 to see if it alleviates the symptoms. Thanks BTW.
these spark plugs come pre-gapped already


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i didnt gapp mines.......oops. they come pre gapped soo i just put em in ...ive had no issues soo far *knocks on wood*


Well-Known Member
@Kevv_Si that's what I understood as well. I haven't pulled out the plugs. I'm thinking I'll just leave them in as they are as I haven't seen anyone on this forum experiencing the same problem as me. This sux!!


Kung-Fu Panda
Boston, MA
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
Body Style
all plugs come "pre gapped" thats nothing special. but is it gapped to your specs for your setup? thats the issue. and you also dont know if the parts jockey ever dropped the box of spark plugs and that changed the gap.

in high school that was like one of the first lessons i had. Never rely on pre gap. always double check. You never know.


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all plugs come "pre gapped" thats nothing special. but is it gapped to your specs for your setup? thats the issue. and you also dont know if the parts jockey ever dropped the box of spark plugs and that changed the gap.

in high school that was like one of the first lessons i had. Never rely on pre gap. always double check. You never know.
good to know going to regapp them then


Well-Known Member
queens, ny
Vehicle Model
civic si
Body Style
all plugs come "pre gapped" thats nothing special. but is it gapped to your specs for your setup? thats the issue. and you also dont know if the parts jockey ever dropped the box of spark plugs and that changed the gap.

in high school that was like one of the first lessons i had. Never rely on pre gap. always double check. You never know.
Yyyyeaa!! I felt kind of dumb when i looked it up... Should have looked it up before asking... Wa wa waaaaaa!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
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all plugs come "pre gapped" thats nothing special. but is it gapped to your specs for your setup? thats the issue. and you also dont know if the parts jockey ever dropped the box of spark plugs and that changed the gap.

in high school that was like one of the first lessons i had. Never rely on pre gap. always double check. You never know.
All I an say is listen to @Sleepingpanda. He knows what he's talking about.


Well-Known Member
I just gave in and ordered a set of DW 1000cc injectors. I should get them in by Tuesday. I will install them and see how that goes. IF that solves the problem, I am going to contact where I purchased the KW kit and ask them what they can do with the Grams 1000 cc injectors. If they refer me to Kraftwerks themselves I will ask them what they will do. I spoke with a representative from KW already and he said they would gladly accept them back for a flow test but that IF they flow correctly that they would just be sent back to me. I asked him if he has had any complaints like this before and he told me some customers have sent injector sets back for flow testing but that he personally hadn't seen any of them fail. SO IT SOUNDS LIKE I WOULD'VE BEEN F***** anyway trying to get the Grams Injectors I am having problems with replaced/refunded. We shall see. I am strictly going by what Vit has told me according to what he is observing with my tune. He stated that one or more ( I have to check email) injector pulse width was not reading within spec. So after considering all of my options.... I just went with purchasing a set of DW injectors. If this proves to be the case that the DW injectors solve my issue and neither ProCivic or Kraftwerks replaces or refunds the Grams injectors.... I'll definitely have to make a big stink with them both. I'll keep you all posted.


Well-Known Member
I'll just say that I never had issues with my DW injectors, and I know Vit endorses them. There's a thread around here where he tested and reviewed them.
Yes I know. I read the article. I read the thread. I would really like to hear from other KW kit owners and their experiences with the Grams injectors. Thanks @323.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so an update on my Grams 1000 cc injector misfire issue. Today, I installed the DW 1000 cc injectors i purchased in place of the Grams units. PROBLEM SOLVED. There is NO MORE stumble, burble, hesitation, lag, shitty response. What a night and day difference!!! I used to have a popping and hesitation, stumble and burble especially noticeable between 3000-4000 rpm. No more. The car idles smoother. There is a difference in acceleration as well. Before the there would be spots in the rpm range where the car would lag and stumble. Cruising speed at 70-75 mph was very annoying because it usually put the rpm in between 3000-4000 rpm (where the stumbling and hesitation was) and was really disappointing to say the least. I am glad to be done with this issue! However, I am disappointed I had to buy an EXTRA set of clearly superior performing injectors to get this kit to come together successfully. What I can tell you, for anyone who is interested to know, is if you are going to buy a Kraftwerks kit please ask the salesperson if they would be able to DELETE the Grams injectors option in favor of a Deatschwerks set!! If they say no, then go purchase the competitors kit. This experience isn't worth the hassle. I am NOT bad mouthing the kit. I love the attention to detail and the components. I just hate that I coughed up a good chunk of change to have an inferior part included in the kit. I also have to give thanks to @VitViper for EVERYTHING he has done to identify, recommend and assist with answers to my issues. My next plan of action is to see how or Kraftwerks will handle this issue. Thanks for everyone's help.