@webby idk where to post this but im trying get as much likes on this street warrior thing on facebook! maybe you can help me out
lol all you have to do is pretty much go on that page log on your account and like it.
lets make the 9th gen a winner haha
it was nice. alil better organized than last year. another one this year in august i will be representing again! haha
but im pretty sure more 9th gen is coming to this one. there was only 4 9th in the show. and if im not mistaken 2 si's me and my boy.
but i did see atleast 4 other si's the night before at the hotels mhmmm
nah i couldn't. i don't have any cards. i didn't get the cards yet if u sent them. and nobody was by they car when i walked around lol
but i did speak to one girl she said she owns a coupe i told her bout the site she said she will sign up