Well-Known Member
Just proof that the Dragon meet also gets very interesting....lol
Just proof that the Dragon meet also gets very interesting....lol
Me: "Hello, I'd like to make a reseration. Do you do that here?"
Fontana Village: "Of course we do!"
.. and thus the table was resered.
I still have one of those >_>All of the tables had "Resered" signs on them.
The irony is that after I got home I saw that on the back of a couple of signs I grabbed actually said "Reserved". I guess they new that that was the improper spelling, and quickly switched them all to "Resered". "Hooked on Phonics worked for me!!!!"
I still have one of those >_>
They were too funny to leave behindI've got a few someplace
I'm not quite *that* graceful!You should have done the axe kick.
You should have done the axe kick.
Ok, call me captain obvious, but I didn't realize most of our staff don't have 9th gens. No hate cause y'all do great work and contribute so much, just would've never noticed until this thread. Thanks for the intros!
Currently, only 2 staff members do...both after becoming staff on the site LOL