Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1


If the Foo...well, you know. Just wear it.
Kirkland, WA
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Been sick like a dog the last few days. Doc said likely got a nasty virus. I don’t have the symptoms of this coronavirus but something definitely knocked me down a couple of rungs.

ron v

The Forum Idiot
Vehicle Model
Body Style
Si Coupe
Hope u feel better man.

Our company is really trying to keep people from calling in. We’ve had lunches and dinners everyday provided by the company. In my 16 years with that place I’ve only been fed like 5-6 times on their dime.


Well-Known Member
Fayetteville, NC
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Civic Si
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It was a female manager? :think:
Yeah, more like owner of the contract i guess you could say. There's two managers up here, but she oversees the hiring, they run the day to day stuff. Super nice lady, backgeound check is already sent up, fingers crossed i get good news next week or so. She sounded 100% on board with bringing me on even knowing my full employment situation, so that's a plus.

My wife has been told they wont be back at work until May some time as of now, it'll trickle down to the contract by next week I'm assuming. So i guess I'll be doing deliveries for a while (hopefully) and continuing that on weekends after i go back to regular work to just get some stuff paid off and start funding a project before too long i hope...


Well-Known Member
Dallas, Texas
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Civic LX
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Firstly, @FooBird How are you holding up today?
Secondly, Good Morning, Everybody -- I got put on the early shift at work. :corndrool:

I have a random question for my SoCal peeps--

What is Cactus Cooler?

ron v

The Forum Idiot
Vehicle Model
Body Style
Si Coupe
orange pineapple soda. It’s amazing.



If the Foo...well, you know. Just wear it.
Kirkland, WA
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Body Style
Firstly, @FooBird How are you holding up today?
Secondly, Good Morning, Everybody -- I got put on the early shift at work. :corndrool:

I have a random question for my SoCal peeps--

What is Cactus Cooler?

just rolled out of bed. Have a crazy busy work day ahead as I missed a couple of days of work this week.


If the Foo...well, you know. Just wear it.
Kirkland, WA
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Body Style
Feeling better today. I have more energy and my body knows it. A tad bit of a dry cough left but overall I’m feeling much better. I haven’t had a bug like that before.

Anytime I tried to move or do anything, it would send my heart into a frenzy. Walked to the kitchen yesterday from my bedroom and my heart was going like I just ran a 5k and I was super weak. That was the weirdest thing - whatever I’ve been dealing with hit my heart like a hammer. Would be laying down doing nothing and it’d be off to the races.

I’m in good health and 36, I can tell you though, if I had something underlying it could’ve been bad. My resting heart rate is in the low-mid 60s typically and my ticker was knocking at 90 bpm resting and upwards of 130 bpm when doing anything including just standing up or moving around slowly. I would get ridiculous chills where my whole body would be shaking and shivering at times. The bottoms of my feet were cold but sweaty as were my hands and face.

I didn’t present a fever at all and only had a mild dry cough that would come and go. But I could feel when a wave of whenever I would go south. Girlfriend was super concerned and thought I was gonna have a heart attack all week.

Doc said she would have loved to get me a COVID-19 test but I didn’t have the typical symptoms (no fever and trouble breathing) and they were prioritizing more at-risk cases. Glad I’m feeling better today for sure. It’s been a pretty crappy week.

ron v

The Forum Idiot
Vehicle Model
Body Style
Si Coupe
They barricaded all the parks and trails in my city today. :)

ron v

The Forum Idiot
Vehicle Model
Body Style
Si Coupe
Feeling better today. I have more energy and my body knows it. A tad bit of a dry cough left but overall I’m feeling much better. I haven’t had a bug like that before.

Anytime I tried to move or do anything, it would send my heart into a frenzy. Walked to the kitchen yesterday from my bedroom and my heart was going like I just ran a 5k and I was super weak. That was the weirdest thing - whatever I’ve been dealing with hit my heart like a hammer. Would be laying down doing nothing and it’d be off to the races.

I’m in good health and 36, I can tell you though, if I had something underlying it could’ve been bad. My resting heart rate is in the low-mid 60s typically and my ticker was knocking at 90 bpm resting and upwards of 130 bpm when doing anything including just standing up or moving around slowly. I would get ridiculous chills where my whole body would be shaking and shivering at times. The bottoms of my feet were cold but sweaty as were my hands and face.

I didn’t present a fever at all and only had a mild dry cough that would come and go. But I could feel when a wave of whenever I would go south. Girlfriend was super concerned and thought I was gonna have a heart attack all week.

Doc said she would have loved to get me a COVID-19 test but I didn’t have the typical symptoms (no fever and trouble breathing) and they were prioritizing more at-risk cases. Glad I’m feeling better today for sure. It’s been a pretty crappy week.

those were my symptoms when I was sick over Xmas. I would wake up hacking a lung and have cold sweats with a super fast heart rate. Felt like I was suffocating in my sleep. I got better then it came back even worse. I ended up sleeping with a bucket next to my bed for a few days. But I had a fever. A gnarly fever.

glad your feeling better @FooBird


Well-Known Member
Fayetteville, NC
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
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First, glad you're feeling better @FooBird. Stay on that recovery train brotha! I hope all you guys are doing ok out there.

Secondly, i had some more news from my new/temporary/semi-permanent part time job (once things get back to normal that is). Tomorrow morning i go to take a little driving test in a 16ft box truck for 20-30 minutes so they can assess my ability. If that goes well, I start Monday. Considering i drove stuff that was way bigger with equally shitty visibility, i think I'll be ok. **** is rough right now in the world, just stay positive and good things will happen.

My advice right now is if you gotta make some moves to make **** happen in your life, just do it. You can't know if you don't try. I didn't wanna sit around and wait for unemployment to remove their head from their *** long enough to just get paid by them while all this goes on. I got bills to pay even though i was able to get defferments for the ones that weren't absolutely essential, I had to get out here and keep something normal going for me and the fam. Guess that was a bit of a rant, but i really hope all y'all are well while all this craziness goes on around us.


Well-Known Member
Fayetteville, NC
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
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Well, passed my driving test, not that i was worried. So Monday I'll start my new/temporary full time again. My wife is losing her **** over Corona Virus and tries to talk me out of taking up this job. I understand the thought behind it, but as long as we're all practicing contamination control measures, there won't be an issue...

Anyways, hope all y'all have a great weekend, stay safe and have some fun!

ron v

The Forum Idiot
Vehicle Model
Body Style
Si Coupe
This whole country is losing there **** over this. Media is doing a good job of managing that.

stay safe man. There’s a lot of crazy package stealers right now and business is booming for them.

ron v

The Forum Idiot
Vehicle Model
Body Style
Si Coupe
Had a crazy dream last night that I was in modern warfare 2 running around with an intervention. Gotta stop taking edibles before I go to sleep. Haha.