Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1


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I bought one of those Essential Oil diffusers.

NO I'm not gonna start shilling oils
NO I'm not going to start purifying the forums with crystals
I just like good smells. :rotfl:

Funny you mention those as I was thinking about getting one earlier today. Some changes are happening at work at I'm moving offices to support a different building. The new office I've moved into was occupied by someone who didn't get much of a heads up that they were leaving (They were told their last day was Friday after they'd already left the office.), so the office was kinda messy, and a tad bit smelly. So I was totally considering it myself. :bananasplit:


Well-Known Member
Dallas, Texas
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I got a miniature one and it lasts for like freakin' three hours before it begins to run dry. If you need one for an office, I'd recommend a regular sized one.

I actually didn't even have to buy any essential oil for mine-- my neighbors are already Essential Oil Occultists and had given me some Eucalyptol a long time ago that I didn't use. My room smells like Minty Mouthwash now. I think this is supposed to be a decongestant?


Well-Known Member
Dallas, Texas
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Civic LX
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What is this essential oils you speak of? The mouthwash on. I wonder if it will help with my allergies?

Essential Oils are mostly Pseudoscience-- but some of them appear to be active ingredients in existing things. Eucalyptol is like Menthol, it has a cooling effect on mucous membranes-- so it can help with sinus trouble. I don't recommend it over actual allergy medicine, but it's worth a shot. When I was a kid, my mom got me a humidifier for when I was really congested; It had a little reservoir near the vaporizer where you could put a decongestant -- most of the time that was some Vick's Vapo-Rub. I assume this is the same principle--I'm pretty sure Vapo-rub is just straight up menthol.


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FT. Bragg, NC
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I used to use a humidifier and a air purifier in my room when I was younger because of my allergies. Now I just take meds and get shots and still some day's i suffer. I might give these a shot to see if it helps. Are they like incense or actually oil you leave in a cup? I did a quick search and there is a bunch out there.


Well-Known Member
Dallas, Texas
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I used to use a humidifier and a air purifier in my room when I was younger because of my allergies. Now I just take meds and get shots and still some day's i suffer. I might give these a shot to see if it helps. Are they like incense or actually oil you leave in a cup? I did a quick search and there is a bunch out there.

It's just oil in a little eye-drop style container. A diffuser is basically a covered bowl with a tiny heating element in the bottom to make vapor. Remove the top portion of the unit, fill the diffuser with distilled water up to the fill line, and add about 3-4 drops of oil. Replace the top and let it run for about half an hour at a time-- it fills a room up pretty quick. Once the scent is pretty pronounced in the room, you don't have to keep diffusing. From my unit's documentation, running most diffusers for a long time (like, for hours) shortens their service life.

The brand of Oil I got from my neighbors is called 'Gurunanda". From my general studies I know that the only oils that could ever do anything remotely medicinal are going to be Eucalyptol ( Eucalyptus) , Menthol (Peppermint), and Lavender. The first two are decongestants-- the last is shown to lower stress and encourage slow wave sleep. Despite what adherents will tell you, all of these oils are toxic if used improperly, so don't let anyone convince you to put these on your skin or ingest them.

Amazon productView:

Diffusers are kinda hard to get wrong-- they're very simple machines. Just choose one that you like, and it'll probably work great.


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Ontario Canada
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I bought one of those Essential Oil diffusers.

NO I'm not gonna start shilling oils
NO I'm not going to start purifying the forums with crystals
I just like good smells. :rotfl:

Lol. My wife got into these a few years ago and wanted to sell them. I talked her out of it when I explained to her what a pyramid scheme is.

I used to use a humidifier and a air purifier in my room when I was younger because of my allergies. Now I just take meds and get shots and still some day's i suffer. I might give these a shot to see if it helps. Are they like incense or actually oil you leave in a cup? I did a quick search and there is a bunch out there.

When I was about 10 I had this crazy reaction to something that made my feet unbearably itchy, since then I took allergy pills for like 15 years straight. If I didn't take them I'd get itch and hives all over. Had to take pills where ever I went. If I thought about an itch i would get a hive.

Then one day i weaned my self off the pills within a week I had stopped taking them. It was literally all in my head. I'm not sure how but it was. Haven't taken one in over 6 years and have never had a hive since.

Not saying your allergies are in your head. Just thought I'd share my weird story.


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Boiling Springs
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Y'all might think I'm crazy but we started using the oils for my son's allergies and it has worked. He was on several different types of meds that were negatively affecting him. My wife got into the oils thing and started using them and they have worked better than the meds. If I wouldn't have seen the difference myself I wouldn't have believed they would do anything.


Well-Known Member
Dallas, Texas
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Civic LX
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Y'all might think I'm crazy but we started using the oils for my son's allergies and it has worked. He was on several different types of meds that were negatively affecting him. My wife got into the oils thing and started using them and they have worked better than the meds. If I wouldn't have seen the difference myself I wouldn't have believed they would do anything.

I don't think you're crazy! Vaporizing Menthol like the old days is all that I hoped to replicate in this venture, and this seems to be doing a decent job. I think the main issue with oils is the unfortunate amount of appeal it has for total nutjobs. Like, I get it-- someone gets excited because an oil cleared their sinuses or something, so they start thinking that all of the oils will fix everything. They won't. At best, I think this is the only capacity that they're useful for-- a mild-to-moderate decongestant/allergy relief.

Anything after that is a little farfetched.

Lol. My wife got into these a few years ago and wanted to sell them. I talked her out of it when I explained to her what a pyramid scheme is.

You're a good husband. I dislike seeing people get duped into MLM/Pyramid Schemes. They're horrendously prevalent where I live.

just wear two cats on your head!

A classic meme for you.



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Fayetteville, NC
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