roadmagnet springs 2012 civic

Eddie Blanco

Well-Known Member
It's obvious they are 8th gen springs. Clearly road magnet did not communicate with the builder of the fox marketing 2dr. I saw H&R springs on the corsport website for $239, cheaper and I would bet they fit correctly with the 9th gen isolater. Weird how opinions vary, my brand new ride sounded like a 100 year old battleship creaking down the road before I spent $50 bucks on more parts. They were supposed to be for a 2012. Then they suddenly took the springs off of their website after the fitment issue came up, come on?!


Well-Known Member
Houston, TX
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Civic Si, NAV
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She completely forgot to respond when it comes to them REIMBURSING US for the 8th gen insulators WE PURCHASED TO MAKE THE 9TH GEN SPRINGS FIT PROPERLY, she responded to almost everything except that. I paid $46, Eddie paid $50, I guess we're expected to EAT THAT EXTRA COST since you guys are working on the problem?!? I don't know about the rest of them but if it's a choice of replacement rear springs or reimbursement for extra $$ I had to spend, I would opt to be reimbursed for the money I spent. The replacement springs would just cost me MORE money to have installed and I'm not interested in doing that.

So Alaina, will road magnet be reimbursing us for the 8th gen insulators we had to purchase?


Well-Known Member
Houston, TX
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Civic Si, NAV
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Maybe some of you guys should just keep your cars stock....the noise on mine is so minimal you only hear it when creeping through a parking lot over a little dip

Really? You're ok with your brand new car making noises on bumps after you installed springs specifically designed for it? I'm 32 and yea in my younger days, 16 or 17 years ago, I cut springs and dealt with the issues & noises that were a result of my stupidity of cutting the springs, but I have never installed car specific springs, coilovers or anything that resulted in a noise that I was ok with hearing. Some people are ok with just turning up the radio a lil to drown it out, I expect my brand new car to still sound brand new, and so should you John.


Well-Known Member
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Civic Si
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yeah I know but modding sometimes has some negative effects...they are fixing it now anyways which is real cool...IDK maybe my sound is less then yours its barely noticeable...anyone that rides with me never says a thing about it ...Im pretty ocd too


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone!! I have received the 9th gen spring seats from Honda! They were sitting on my desk this morning when I came in! We will begin testing and modifying our rear spring design today. This process will probably take a little over a week, because we will be tweaking our design (most likely several times) and testing each design to make sure that all the dimensions of the springs match up to our original specs and ride quality.

We will also be looking into what can be done for those that have purchased the 8th gen isolators for their vehicles. Just a heads up, your local Honda dealer should be selling the 8th gen isolators for around $15 each. If you are looking at prices from other sources that are higher than that, I would go straight to the dealer first.

I can't thank everyone enough for your patience, and I will keep everyone posted on the progress!



Well-Known Member
Houston, TX
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Civic Si, NAV
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Great!! That would be fantastic if we were reimbursed..that's about right for the per piece cost, if I didn't have to pay for shipping it would have been around $35 for the pair, I paid a little more to get the 2 day shipping so I could get it fixed ASAP. My local dealer wanted $25 a piece to order them for me but hondapartsdirect had them cheaper.

Thanks for the prompt reply Alaina, hopefully the redesign goes smoothly


Well-Known Member
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Civic Si
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can you make my new springs a hair bit lower in the rear hehe ;)


Well-Known Member
Houston, TX
Vehicle Model
Civic Si, NAV
Body Style
can you make my new springs a hair bit lower in the rear hehe ;)

lol...I'll take a replacement pair instead of a reimbursement for the insulators if lower rear springs is an option, .2 or .3 inches lower in the rear would be just right :)


Well-Known Member
Des Moines, IA
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Honda Civic EX
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lol sorry im kidna lost.. so for road magnet springs for the rears you must use the 8t gen civic rear insulater mount thing in order for it to stay and work??
if thats the case ima just wait and save.. i kinda want h&r sports..


Well-Known Member
Houston, TX
Vehicle Model
Civic Si, NAV
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Yes you need the 8th gen rear upper insulator to use the road magnet 9th gen springs, but they are no longer available until they resolve the issue. H&R should be available any day now...


Well-Known Member
Houston, TX
Vehicle Model
Civic Si, NAV
Body Style
We will also be looking into what can be done for those that have purchased the 8th gen isolators for their vehicles. Just a heads up, your local Honda dealer should be selling the 8th gen isolators for around $15 each. If you are looking at prices from other sources that are higher than that, I would go straight to the dealer first.~Alaina

Any new info?


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to post a quick update. We have gone through two different designs for the rear so far. The fitment was dead on, but unfortunately the ride quality left a lot to be desired. We are about to coil yet another set, that should have a smoother ride (according to our calculations). We will not release a spring that simply "fits" to fix the problem, and sacrificing ride quality is not an option on our end. We are still hopefully looking at replacing the springs for everyone by the end of March. Once we have the new rears completed, we will be able to move forward with contacting all of our customers to see if they would like to swap out springs, swap out isolators, or be reimbursed for the isolators.

Thanks again everyone for your patience!