USB Folder order with stock LX system


Active Member
Something odd is going on with my stock audio, using USB. For some reason, the folder list starts about 1 third of the way through the folders, alphabetically, then shows the beginning third, and then continues with the last third. Has this happened to anyone else? is there a fix? I've tried completely reloading the USB with a different selection of folders/files, and it still does it.

It's not a huge deal, as I most often use the USB stick as a random-track radio, but I would occasionally like to pick a specific track out of a specific folder. I keep the stick organized in a single layer of folders with all of the songs I have for each artist in one artist folder. There are no album-title subfolders.


Active Member
One item that seemed to the mine was using a utility to change the creation and access date to the same thing on all files and folders. It was purely a guess that worked out.