vanity plates that may need reconsidering


Toys For Tots
maybe choose something that wouldn't draw negative attention towards yourself??



Well-Known Member
Have you heard about the Tofu lover that got denied the plate "ILUVTOFU" or something along those lines?


Bobopool: The Mod With A Mouth
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Greensboro, NC
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Civic Si
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Let it be known that the NC DOT pulled the plate DOUSWALO from service after a concerned citizen complained about it. Just don't ask who had the plate on his TW 06 Si. :usa:

The NC DOT apparently has no issues with the plate $$$ SHOT, so they issued it to the same Si owner for a second time. :rotfl:

They also wouldn't issue the plate WTF BCH? :screwy:


Bobopool: The Mod With A Mouth
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Greensboro, NC
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Civic Si
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Yep. You gotta love conservative, religious, unhappy, mini van driving mothers who have nothing better to do than get offended at vanity plates and send outraged emails to the DOT.

The subplot of this whole story is that the DOT sent a letter to the plate owner asking him/her to explain what DOUSWALO meant to them so that the DOT could more appropriately determine if the plate was fit for service. It's my understanding that the plate holder informed the NC DOT that he/she was an avid bird watcher, and that the swallow (the African or the European?) had been his/her favorite bird for many, many years.

Apparently the DOT did not find this to be an acceptable explaination, and sent the plate owner a self addressed stamped envelope to send the (allegedly) offensive plate back in, as well as a mundane generic tag to replace it with.


Bobopool: The Mod With A Mouth
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Greensboro, NC
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Civic Si
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That's funny!

Yeah the way I hear it the alleged offender has a pretty quick wit, and a great sense of humor.

I also heard that in his/her response to the DOT he/she asked if they should send an outraged email to their organization everytime they saw an offensive plate like: INHISNAM, BLESSEDB, 4URSINS, SAVED, GOD CAN, REPENT!, JSUSSAVS, etc, etc. They also asked the DOT how seriously these emails would be taken, or would they be instantly deleted.


Minister of the Boost
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New Jersey
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VA, the most anal retentive and asinine "ifitsfunforgetaboutit" state (commonwealth) in the nation has one and only one redeeming quality. They have the most lenient standards regarding vanity plates of any state I've lived in. I've seen I64 SUX, OMG WTF, and WTFEVAH all in Hampton Roads.


Mr Csx
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Regina - The City That Rhymes with Fun
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Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) - Thousands of Nevadans have personalized plates on their cars. But a local woman turned to Action News after the DMV decided hers might be a little too edgy for public streets.
The plate says LMAOATU. The acronym means, 'Laughing my @## off at you." The car's owners Neil Manas and Brooke Bennett-Manas say it's an inside joke meant to be funny and not offensive.
"We see people all the time coming out in parking lots taking pictures of our license plate, or at stop lights, stop signs. You know people think its funny. We get complimented on it every day," said Brooke Bennette-Manas.
But someone didn't find it funny and complained to the DMV. The pair got a letter telling them their plate was offensive, obscene and had to be changed.

"I really just feel like this is unacceptable. I see obscene and way worse stuff on a daily basis. This is Las Vegas!" Brooke said.

Yet, this plate has been on their car for four years without any problems.

"They approved it, and so I figured OK, so there's nothing wrong with it," Neil said.

Action News went to the DMV to find out exactly what is wrong with it.

"We've had a lot of questionable license plates slip through the system over the years," DMV Public Information Officer, Kevin Malone says.

If someone complains about a license plate, a committee reviews it to see if it's in violation of administrative code which can include vulgar, derogatory, profane or obscene language.

"This case we thought it was vulgar and probably derogatory. They are laughing at you," Malone said.
The Manas' can appeal this decision at an administrative hearing before a judge. The DMV assures Action News that all of the action, including keeping them from driving their car, will be put on hold until a judge makes a final decision.