Sunofwolf Random Banter Containment Thread

TCP: is a bill to raise taxes on gas by 17 cents in Maine, Maine has 1300 electric cars. This is not helping anyone but California.
Maine does not have a pollution problem, it has tree's. I all ready sent in my objection to this unfair tax on poor people-it will hit them the hardest.:barf: I will leave my car running extra long to pollute more air but, that isn't true. I turn the car off sometimes before it even stops.
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maybe they'll fix all those roads you're complaining about
and as far as your... maine has trees comment -

In total, more than half of Maine residents experienced nearly a month or more of days with unclean air in 2016, an increase from previous years.

In a statement following the report, Madeleine Fenderson, an organizer with Environment Maine Research and Policy Center said that “even one day with polluted air is too many.”

“Right at the beginning of the summer it is often a time of year temperatures increase that we see an increase in smog pollution,” Leavitt said. “So it's particularly timely as we head into the summer.”

“We definitely have had great improvements to where our air was in the early 1970’s, but it's still too much polluted air,” said Leavitt. “One of the things that's happening on the federal level is that the Trump administration is weakening current air quality standards and global warming standards.” Fenderson expressed worries about Maine specifically which, because of its location, is sometimes called the “tailpipe of the nation.”

“This is really important because Maine actually has the third highest asthma rate in the country, which is honestly pretty unacceptable for a state that really doesn't have any big cities as well as we have hundreds of miles of undeveloped land,” said Fenderson. Public health officials have warned that this pollution and poor air quality can lead to several adverse health risks, especially for children, the elderly and those who already have trouble breathing.

“It can increase asthma attacks, it can lead to premature deaths,” said Leavitt. “That's not necessarily on one day, but over time the accumulated air pollution can lead to a premature death. It also can lead to cardiovascular problems.

“Smog, or ground level ozone, produces inflammation similar to a sunburn in the lungs, causes respiratory problems from coughing and throat irritation to asthma and permanent damage to lung tissue,” said Fenderson. “Particulate pollution consists of extremely small particles that contain toxic chemicals, and these particles can be inhaled deep into the lungs and into the bloodstream, causing repertory and cardiovascular problems.”

Fenderson said the main culprit for this contamination is emissions are entering the system through the transportation industry,” she said. “So again this goes right back to cars.”

Currently the Environmental Protection Agency, under Administrator Scott Pruitt, is considering a move to make clean car standards more lax. These standards regulate the fuel efficiency and carbon emissions of automobiles sold in the United States. Fenderson said that regulations on the national level are necessary in keeping Mainers healthy.

“Even if we had really great emission standards in Maine, the way that the air currents work in the country, we're getting so much from the Midwest anyway,” she said. “In order for us to really see the results in our air quality it needs to be a federal mandate.”

Groups like Environment Maine are pushing politicians to keep the clean car standards as they are. Additionally, both both Ford and Honda have shown support for maintaining the current standards. “We're really urging our elected officials to support the clean car standards as they are today because air quality is very much a bipartisan issue.”
triumph calls that Fake reports and asthma is caused my pesticides and building materials and china couches. :bananawhipdance: There isn't enough money to fix roads. there is a pollution problem, but cars aren't the enemy.
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Do Amish pay taxes?
Contrary to belief, Amish pay nearly all taxes

One of a number of myths about the Amish is that they don’t pay taxes. Though the Amish may not always agree with the actions of the government, they consistently respect the laws of the state, which includes paying appropriate taxes.

Taxes the Amish pay include federal and state income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and public school taxes, even though most Amish send their children to privately run schools (which they also fund).

Amish do receive an exemption from Social Security, signing away the right to receive Social Security benefits in the process. Amish were granted exemption from participation in Social Security in recognition of the fact that Amish communities care for their old and infirm. Amish also consider programs such as Social Security to be insurance programs, which contradict Amish beliefs against participating in commercial insurance.

Though they are generally exempted from Social Security, in some cases Amish may in fact be required to pay Social Security taxes. This may happen when working for a business that is of mixed Amish and non-Amish ownership.
only tax they pay is property tax at reduced rates-all are farms.
provide proof they don't pay the other taxes as I provided above. If you think large parcels of land/farms and all of their barns/homes/schools aren't taxed you're high. They even have to pay for local school taxes they don't even use.
I have to admit this post was nonsense-so its gone
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Yeah because I just wrote what I quoted above. I made it all up.
:hmmm?:that's what I thought. Amish are very hard workers and kind of funny and very brave to ride buggy's with so little protection, no air bags, no seat belts and no lights. I don't thick they use smart phones either. It not my problem what they do- Famous saying from Spiderman.
Well I can't even get a judge that hasn't been paid off to rule against me every time.
So what secrets are you hiding that I don't need to know? When Russia went there, they had the same results. At least Russia admitted it was a mistake and pulled out. USA should never try and police another country that does not really want them there. After chasing out bin laden there was no point in being there at all.

That would be called espionage and who said anything about Heroin? I was not part of the DEA F.A.S.T but I wish I was.
well if it was so secret from American people then something is really wrong with why they are secrets in the first place. The gov criminals who killed the newsmen committed war crimes. How come they weren't arrested? This also brings up another question. why was a seal team member pardoned by Triumph for war crimes in afghan? This might have been the same in china or Russia when they also commit war crimes. Or what about the illegal spying by the NSA on people's phone's. These kind of questions go unanswered. Why should any one trust what the newspapers print? I use to get news though RT network that is backed by Russia and thought hey they aren't lying as much as NBC, CNN, Fox-that's a very poor grade for news reporting. Just some interesting thoughts that the GOV lie's constantly all the time.
seems to work somewhat to figure out how things work- I go watch some James Bond movies:eek2: