Dragon Spring Mini meet

Need moar low! It looks sick with the wheels tucked up a bit. I'm not saying HERRAAFRUUSSHHHH but just enough to close the wheel gap. Lookin good teh Nomarz

I know but nothing has been released for the car quite yet.....and I am too broke for that too....
While we were at the Dragon I got to meet KennyGS 's "Bizzaro World" doppelganger (who introduced himself as "Truth"). Ken's white. Truth's black. Ken has a black Corvette Grand Sport. Truth has a white Corvette Grand Sport. Ken can rip the Dragon with his Grand Sport. Truth was making his first trip to the Dragon and thought I should be impressed that in some sections he hit 45mph. :giggle: :rotfl:


I have to go on record and say that today was as close as you can get to a perfect "Dragon Slaying" day. :rockwoot:

1.The group (although small, and with several debacles between them), are of the highest caliber, all have great personalities, and I genuinely love the rare times I get to hang out with them. :bighug:

2. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and couldn't have been more perfect (although fewer bugs would have been nice). Shorts and t shirts all day long. :thumbsup:

3. I realized early on (and for the rest of the day) that I really hadn't seen ANY sport bikes, and there were only a few cruisers we had to deal with. Later I learned that the AMA was racing at Daytona, and since it was Sunday NASCAR was on, so everybody was at home watching various races. I'll never get that lucky again at the Dragon. I just hate that more of the awesome people I love on this site couldn't make it.
yeah I hate that I couldn't make it :sad:

My rubbers (michelin PSS) are coming in tomorrow, getting them installed in April.

Keep in mind the last two years I was on oem tires, stock suspension with nothing more than an alignment and bigger rear swaybar. Now imagine when I actually put good tires on it and decide to mod the suspension (racecomp yellow springs, gtworx bilsteins) :ohnoes: