CT Engineering Supercharger Beta Testing

The EV14's he has he bought from me. The kit comes with 550 Denso's that are maxed with the Stage 1 kit.
Thanks for the info man, that price is crazy!!! I spoke to the gentleman over there as the only concern I have is if the stg 2 kit can be supplied with pnp injectors that will suffice...
Marcus called me back and the stg2 kit is coming with Deatschwekrs 750cc injectors, awseome. Unsure if they are PNP though..
I don't know who's selling the stuff, but please be careful that it's a reputable shop. There are some shops being promoted at other places that have less than perfect track records. If they pay their fees, they're not removed as "vendors". There is also a history of content being removed on issues. Just be careful.
I've not had personal experience with them to give feedback. I've never done research on them for a vendor application either....