Broadway Mirror

If you want just a wide view, go with a flat one, but if you want a wider-ER view then go with the convex one. It really helps, I can see outside my rear passenger window with it, it's awesome. Just remember, the convex mirror makes it a little harder to judge just how close you are to things when you're backing up.
Got reverse camera installed yesterday. Think I will go with blue convex one. Not sure if I should go 270 or 300 mm. :hmmm?:
That looks like the perfect size for me. Thanks for input guys!

I'm soooooo jealous of the Si lit ignition ring. Want that so bad, but in blue. :(
Personally I would go with a convex one. I would add the small spots on the the side mirrors as well. I only have the spots on the Si but I used to have a convex one and I was used so much to it that I felt blind in a car without it, part of the reason I stopped using one.

I value the side spots way more to be honest since they allow you to have no blind spot and also park or maneuver very well. They're both good ideas I think it is up to a matter of preference. I can park my si close to the curb without any rim damage half inch or less.
get the spoon blue tint mirror hell of a wide angle .

What up Paul! Not sure you remember me, met up at Krispy Kreme a few months ago. Anyways, does that mirror just go over the stock mirror? Or, how is it mounted? Looks pretty nifty.
What up Paul! Not sure you remember me, met up at Krispy Kreme a few months ago. Anyways, does that mirror just go over the stock mirror? Or, how is it mounted? Looks pretty nifty.
yeah its the fd2 mirror go's right over the stock mirror the shape of it gives you a wider view and decreases glare