AlienPrime is here to stay!

Meet in Montreal.....?

If I go to the east coast this summer and convince my girlfriend I won't gripe too much about Montreal. Maybe I convince her to go to Quebec City since we've wanted go there but haven't. Like you've said Europe in the Americas.
If I go to the east coast this summer and convince my girlfriend I won't gripe too much about Montreal. Maybe I convince her to go to Quebec City since we've wanted go there but haven't. Like you've said Europe in the Americas.
yA bro! Let me know. Wouldn't disappoint. Quebec City is only a couple more hours down tHe path.
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saw this in the whats new thing and jumped to the last page and this is all i see lol
FooBird : Montreal was nice when I was there in September... walked from the art gallery down to the waterfront to view Habitat, take a few pictures and walked back ( 5 hours walking there and back ! ) .... with all the walking I did that day, I was SORE the next day. I found most of the people that I asked spoke English, since my French was real rusty... but the food was excellent. Too bad I was only there for a day trip from Ottawa, and had other pressing items on the schedule. DSCN1795.JPG