Anyone here a beer advocate?

If anyone come across a delicious dark beer or stout I can nab in Canada please quote me in the post!!! I wanna try some new stuff

Was about to name you a million different ones....... but then I read Canada :giggle: Not sure what you guys get up there when it comes to US craft breweries.

Prima Pils is great. Best pilsner I've ever had.

I love Grossman. He really is living the dream. I just respect him so much for keeping true to what he started and what was important to him. He could have easily sold out by now in favor of quantity > quality (much like what Koch did with SA)... but he hasn't. It's just amazing to see a brewery grow to the size of Sierra Nevada and still put out beer up to par with anything else out there.
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My favorite breweries right now are definitely Sierra Nevada, Founders (although I have not tried their oatmeal stouts), and Southern Tier.
I love Grossman. He really is living the dream. I just respect him so much for keeping true to what he started and what was important to him. He could have easily sold out by now in favor of quantity > quality (much like what Koch did with SA)... but he hasn't. It's just amazing to see a brewery grow to the size of Sierra Nevada and still put out beer up to par with anything else out there.

Yeah. When I drive home, I try to get down to Chico and grab some brews from their store.
My favorite breweries right now are definitely Sierra Nevada, Founders (although I have not tried their oatmeal stouts), and Southern Tier.

I was just talking about this with my friend last night. At the moment, my top 5 has to be (in no order): Bells, Founders, Stone, Lagunitas, Victory. I could drink nothing but beers from these 5 for the rest of my life and be completely satisfied :giggle:
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Dar loses points for liking Southern Tier :bleh:

So hard to choose.... DogfishHead, St.Bernardus, Schloss Eggenberg, Rogue, Stone.

S.E -

Click the products link at the bottom... Samiclaus and Urbock... OMG. Sami has got to be my favorite beer ever.

You have to mouse over the small "silver bottle" logo on the right to get the list to come up.

Also, click the Health tab at the bottom and they will tell you why drinking beer is excellent for your health!
Dar loses points for liking Southern Tier :bleh:

So hard to choose.... DogfishHead, St.Bernardus, Schloss Eggenberg, Rogue, Stone.

S.E -

Click the products link at the bottom... Samiclaus and Urbock... OMG. Sami has got to be my favorite beer ever.

You have to mouse over the small "silver bottle" logo on the right to get the list to come up.

Also, click the Health tab at the bottom and they will tell you why drinking beer is excellent for your health!


TBH, Southern Tier > Rogue. Only thing I like from Rogue is their stouts. They make way too many ridiculous flavors and mediocre/bad beers IMO. Their oatmeal stout, chocolate stout, and double chocolate stout are all pretty tasty though. But Southern Tier beats them easily in the IPA department.

I see stuff from St. Bernardus a lot... I'll definitely try something from them soon.
I love both Stone and Dog Fish Head, but I haven't tried more than two of their selections.
I love both Stone and Dog Fish Head, but I haven't tried more than two of their selections.

DFH is classic..... and a staple among great American craft beers. But I just have never had that one beer from them that wows me. I need to try more of their stouts cause I don't think I've had any of them since I became a big stout drinker. I did have one of their pilsners recently that I really enjoyed.

You definitely need to get up on your Stone game. Everything they brew is great IMO.
DFH is classic..... and a staple among great American craft beers. But I just have never had that one beer from them that wows me. I need to try more of their stouts cause I don't think I've had any of them since I became a big stout drinker. I did have one of their pilsners recently that I really enjoyed.
The IBA is definitely my favorite from them so far.

You definitely need to get up on your Stone game. Everything they brew is great IMO.
I know. Im not a big fan of buying beers that come in 4-packs or single bottles. :giggle:
The IBA is definitely my favorite from them so far.

I know. Im not a big fan of buying beers that come in 4-packs or single bottles. :giggle:

Meh, brown ales. Though theirs is easily one of the best. IPAs > stouts > IIPAs > hefeweizens > belgians > pales ales/porters > scotch ales > browns ales :giggle:

I know what you mean. Bombers and 4 packs are pricy. I avoid buying bombers of anything that comes in 4 or 6 packs. At the moment I'm transitioning more to buying entire cases of beer. SOOO much cheaper; though I'll only buy cases of variety packs or beers that I really enjoy.

For example, 6 packs of Two Hearted Ale are about $12. I bought an entire case for like $30. Such a great deal.
The St.Bernardus make a couple of standouts. The ABT12 is awesome and if you can find it their "Wit" is phenomenal. Its like $20/4pk on the wit though. It is definitely Belgian tasting beers. Very different from the US stuff.

Rogue I really only like Dead Guy. But I like it a lot. I find it makes a good gateway beer for people since its a little bit of a Marzen so its a touch sweet tasting.

DFH - I have tried so many of their big bottles but they are always bad. I keep buying them though. I just love their 60 and 90 minutes. I have a 120min that is about 2 years old now. Waiting a little longer before I open it.

I used to buy Newcastle by the case. I thought it was the best thing ever. Hahahaha.... then I walked into my first craft beer store.....
The St.Bernardus make a couple of standouts. The ABT12 is awesome and if you can find it their "Wit" is phenomenal. Its like $20/4pk on the wit though. It is definitely Belgian tasting beers. Very different from the US stuff.

Rogue I really only like Dead Guy. But I like it a lot. I find it makes a good gateway beer for people since its a little bit of a Marzen so its a touch sweet tasting.

DFH - I have tried so many of their big bottles but they are always bad. I keep buying them though. I just love their 60 and 90 minutes. I have a 120min that is about 2 years old now. Waiting a little longer before I open it.

I used to buy Newcastle by the case. I thought it was the best thing ever. Hahahaha.... then I walked into my first craft beer store.....

I do like Dead Guy. It's definitely not a style you see a lot of, and they do it really well. Not sure if you've had it before, but their Double Dead Guy :bleh: SO boozy.

Newcastle :giggle: I feel bad for beer drinkers that had more sophisticated palates before the craft revolution. It was basically mediocre imports, or crap. I'm not quite sure when the good German and Belgian beers started gaining popularity over here :think:
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Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Thats what the Bernardus 12 is like. The Samiclaus also. Very boozy, but delicious. Drink 2 in quick succession and you will be "claused" for a couple hours.
I'm drinking Sam Adams Boston Lager right now. It's very very hard to dislike this beer.
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