Anyone here a beer advocate?

Went to the largest beer festival ever in Pittsburgh yesterday and boy was it a blast. It was a seriously overwhelming amount of beer. I only scratched the surface having about 25 of the 300 beers.

When I first got in there I went straight to the Bells tent and slammed back to back Hopslams. I went back 20 minutes later and the guy said they were already out of it. An entire keg gone in a matter of minutes. And this was with only less than half of the full crowd (VIPs got in at 6:30 and regular admission 7:30). This years Hopslam was phenomenal, I thought. It's one of the few crazy hyped beers that really lives up to it for me. I'm so mad at myself for not getting any this year.

Other beers of interest I had:

Elysian Dragonstooth Stout- Awesome 7.5 abv oatmeal stout

Voodoo Brewing Good Vibes IPA - This beer was excellent. Very flavorful IPA. Voodoo is such a slept on brewery. They make great stuff

New Holland Dragon's Milk - Bourbon barrel aged stout, 10%. Very bourbony and very delicious

Ballast Point Indra Kunindra - Holy **** is all I have to say. I've never had a beer like this and probably never will again. It was a stout spiced with curry and was very intense. Wasn't something I'd ever buy but it was so strange to try

Green Flash Hop Odyssey Black IPA - One of my fav black IPAs to date; it's part of the rotating Hop Odyssey series so it may never be brewed again

Unibroue La Fin Du Monde - They seriously gave me a filled to the brim 8 oz poor of this. It was wheatier than I remember it being; still good though

Southern Tier 2xOne - ST's new double pale ale and damn was this good; I hope I start to see it in store around here

Southern Tier 2x Stout - Pretty solid milk stout; wouldn't choose it over Left Hand I don't think but very good overall

Fat Head's Head Hunter IPA - Another great IPA

Oskar Blues Old Chub - A scotch ale, very comparable to Founders Dirty Bastard in terms of quality
Oh man, someone will hate me. :giggle:

:drooling: The 2Xone is a very good seasonal brew.
@HeelsandEers , the two Southern Tiers you tried at the beer convention are solid choices. So good. :drooling:
Damn.... I wish I could find those in 6 packs. I just went to both stores I buy beer from in WV and neither are carrying it. The restaurant I go to that always has a bunch of decent beers doesn't even have them yet :cornmad: They didn't even have Live...
I pay around $11 for a 6-pack of southern tier. A 24-pack is around $34 which is worth the price.
Time to stop bein lazy... finally took a pic of my most recent drinks.... had to dig a couple empties out of the recycle bin just to show you guys!


First up: Leffe 750ml. A great brown belgian. These are on sale for $3.99! Usually they are like $7-8.


Then some regulars...

New Holland - The Poet, an oatmeal stout. It was great but not as good as a North Coast Old Rasputin

Deschutes - Red Chair NWPA (northwest pale ale) Excellent beer! It was not a toned down but a smoothed out IPA. Very silky and easy to drink.

Schlafly - APA (american pale ale) Says that it's dry hopped, whatever that means. Meh, it's ok. Basically not a hugely bitter IPA. The deschutes is a better version of this I think.


A new personal favorite and a rare brew at that. Gose. A very old german style of beer that had become extinct after WWII but a few people dug up old recipies and started making it again. I can find this one fairly regularly at Whole Foods of all places. Gose is beer brewed with coriander and SALT! It tasted great to me. Very much like a musty horse barn brettanomyces style beer does.

Original Ritterguts Gose - From Leipzig: Sour German beer brewed with salt and spice.

How is this?I looked for it over the weekend but no luck.

Not great, but it's actually a semi palatable ipa from Sam Adams. Better than Lattitude and whitewater for sure.

It still doesn't compare to torpedo however, in terms of budget ipas from the big time brewers. Or any of the Sierra Nevada Ipas for that matter :giggle:
It's good, but there are better IPAs out there. I had it on tap as well, but it's much better bottled.

A 6-Pack of Rebel is about $7.99 and a 6-Pack of Torpedo is $11.99 here.
A 6-Pack of Rebel is about $7.99 and a 6-Pack of Torpedo is $11.99 here.

I still can't believe the ridiculous Sierra Nevada prices in NJ. I can almost get a 12 pack for that price.

SA and SN are both $8 or $10 here... Depending where you're shopping.
Torpedo is awesome,I ended up buying a six pack of it when I was looking for the Rebel,also bought some New Belgium Rampant ipa,I really liked it too but not as much as Torpedo.
Don't buy Rebel if you love Torpedo. Lol.
There's no chance that I'll buy this beer.
I just got what Double Agent IPL meant. Man, Sam Adams has got to be my favorite macro brewery. This is a damn good Lager. And it is well balanced. :drooling:

I'm not typically a fan of English style IPAs. That any good?

I just got what Double Agent IPL meant. Man, Sam Adams has got to be my favorite macro brewery. This is a damn good Lager. And it is well balanced. :drooling:

I've never had this beer actually. I'll have to give it a try.

Sam Adams is my favorite macro brewery too..... if we're only counting the traditional macros (Anheuser Bush, Millercoors, etc.) :giggle: Realistically, as a publicly traded company with as many sales as Sam Adams has, they really are like a traditional macro.