Arm0ged0n's 2012 Honda Civic Sedan Thread

This car is sick, I love what your doing to this car. I am just now getting mine started. I have all the ideas I just wish it was all done in one day. Are you planning to do more?
Did not know that, thanks for the info. Ive never delt with a state that really ***** with you. Back home in tn they dont like imports but they dont have any vehicle inspections so you can get away with almost anything on your car.
Wow, No smogging or anything?? That's awesome, Arm0ged0n is right....if you get popped they make you go to the highway patrol office and get inspected AND smogged!!
Wow, No smogging or anything?? That's awesome, Arm0ged0n is right....if you get popped they make you go to the highway patrol office and get inspected AND smogged!!
I went to Cali a few years back and seen a bunch of nice rides. I also seen a bunch of cars with huge number across the back windshield. They told me it had to do with smog.