Bonsai anyone?

I'd love to start one from seed. My Tea Rose is doing fairly well. It's got more growth but still a bit of a wirey looking bush thing :rotfl: I'm not sure what the person who had it...did to it
typically with ones like that the person didn't have a clear idea or picture of what they wanted it to look like so it shows in the plant. Growing from seeds is just something I want to keep a bonsai in the family and pass it down. Thought it be cool to say my great great grandfather grew this from an apple seed lol
haha yeah that would be pretty cool.

I can't say I know what to do with it just yet either. I don't think I should trim it for a while though
I'd figure out the idea your aiming for before you begin pruning
Any books or websites that you recommend, 420Coupe?

what i've learned is mostly from first hand experience and botany. Although i dont recall the name right now but i know theres a bonsai group every saturday somewhere in orlando. But most information online is right i would just steer away from plant specific information as it's typically wrong or very inaccurate and not necessarily species specific. Although the "Secret" is to have the Idea of where/what you want your tree to portray/look like.
I think that's my biggest problem :rotfl: trying to figure out what to make it look like.
hmmm Orlando...i'll be down there at the beginning of July

Thanks :wavey:
Anytime, Best way to get the idea is look at other bonsai projects online see what other people have done creatively, I recommend if you haven't already tried one is trying to get the plant to adhere to a rock. Definitely a creative and unique design because every tree adhere to the rocks differently. :rockwoot:
hmmm. Not sure how the rock would work...lmao

Here is how it sits at the moment. Brought it inside for the photos


truthfully i would turn it on its side and trim the left side, and for you to ensure it works buy root hormone and use on the left side so it turns to roots and promotes more to develop to grab a firm hold. I'd recommend a porous rock ie limestone etc. you'll have to have it tied down with wire but will definitely be a nice look in my opinion.

Wow that would look fantastic.
I'm just not sure if I have the experience to do it :rotfl: I've read up previously that these are really hard to care for and can die within 4hrs if not cared for properly.
I'd had to lose it :ohnoes:
That's a lie no tree can die in four hours unless you stick them in a bag with no air. That would qualify as some of the species specific info that's just wrong :giggle: but it is quite simple there's several other people on YouTube who have done the transfer to rock