Hahaha nice! And yes.... it has begun.... I didn't take any pics of the new guys yet but they have been "skinned" and are currently drying before paint.
I usually put up some large 6ft cemetary "wrought iron" fencing around 2 large areas of the yard to really direct people. This year I am just putting up the full size skeletons and leaving it very open.
Each skeleton is going to be hanging by their hands from a large T-Shape. The big thing is going to be lanterns hanging on each end of the T for lighting. Possibly with real fire. Probably just flicker bulbs though. The cool factor is there with real kerosene lanterns going but I just don't trust people.
So overall a large field of hanging bodies. Should be quite different from usual.
Similar to this only right side up and skeletons....(Midnight meat train horror movie)
Very cool vids. Getting excited for Halloween. I really hope the weather cooperates this year, last year I had to throw everything together in about 3-4 hours.
I can't wait to see what Nix adds this year.
I'll post pics and vids as well. Already purchased a few new things.
I think we are going pumpkin shopping next week/weekend. 20th? But not carving until the weekend of the 27th so they stay nice and fresh for Halloween.
I've tried the whole spraying it down with a bleach mix and coating the inside and carved areas with vasoline. It helps some but usually doesn't add more than a few days.