Daily Confessions.......Post up your confessions good or bad...the badder the better.

went on a ride bike and stopped at a stop light on the sidewalk so I decided to lean on the post that holds the walking signals so I didn't have to get off the bike. I had one hand on the post and I noticed I was leaning/falling towards the post. Turns out the post was not attached to the ground so I knocked down the post with the signs.

Looked around and then rode away.
lol I felt like I was seeing a movie of that take place in my head! I'd still kill for a video of that :rotfl:
Out for a morning rip, came across a hot asian gurl behind the wheel of a GTR.......nothing like a hot gurl driving a hot car.....god dammmm
Out for a morning rip, came across a hot asian gurl behind the wheel of a GTR.......nothing like a hot gurl driving a hot car.....god dammmm

Tell the wifey to go rent a hot car and go live out a fantasy....:giggle:
mild road rage story...... I am generally laid back and don't care but things were not in normal alignment.....

I had a guy riding my *** from the grocery store, I was going like 8 over too, 2 lane surface street, left lane passing traffic. Usually I would just slow down to annoy them but I decided to not be a jerk and keep going. So, guy decides to cut off the car in the right lane floor it up to the next car and no-signal cut back into my lane. There were no cars in front of me so I was just like whatever.... but ding-dong decides he is making a left at the traffic light. Now theres two lanes coming the opposite direction so this means we are now going to sit for quite a while. So now for the bad stuff....... cause I was annoyed with work and other things....

I got right up behind him and just layed on the horn and pelted him with pennies and nickels. He was mad but I got in the other lane and took off.
Oh dam, hope he didnt get your plate. I do my best to not rage cause I will land in jail quicker than u can blink an eye
hah nah I don't think so anyway. I usually keep a bag of pretzel sticks to throw. Or hard candy. I would never want to damage someones car, just the click click noise should be enough to freak em out.