Daily Confessions.......Post up your confessions good or bad...the badder the better.

I finally watched "Fast Five" last night. I expected the worst and I got it.

Good to know that I'd I stop my car in front of a bus, the car will be fine and the bus will flip over it. Many more too unbelievable stunts. And the ending where the deaf girl from 4 is spotted in Germany. Ummmmm

'11 WRX & '99 2.3CL
I think they should make a honda the main car in the next one, you know make it more realistic, since most of us cant afford a R34
That's not true! They are hilarious if you don't take them too seriously. Like old Arnold movies. Bad acting and lame lines. I have to watch everytime they are on tv.
Don't make me leave treadmarks on your face! - Worst line ever.

Also I confess to only being on the forums when im at work......
I can officially say I need to go back to work, I have spent entirely too much money w/ all these off days.. :oops:
DC: Ran out of dishes because I don't feel well enough to run the dishwasher. Tired of the flu. Plasticware!!
I've been sick since Tues. It felt like the flu for me the first couple days but guess it was some serious allergies.

This is def the 1st year i've ever had any kind of allergies, guess that's what I get for teasing my buds gal all the time w/ hers.. :ownedrun:
DC: Going back to the evils of prescription pain meds, I cant deal with lack of sleep cuase of the excessive pain in my lower back.....fml
Awww sorry to hear Susan!:-(

OT: Have you ever peed your pants?
yeah I can confess that due to being major messed up back in the day.........thankfully I wasnt far from home. Changed, grabbed more beer from fridge and continued partying......mess my pants due to laughing so hard and being super drunk.
Dc in bed the pain while hobbling became unbearable and I am refusing to go to the hospital for a needle to the butt cheek