Photos Dyno Blue Pearl

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Heres mine! My urban titanium manual dx civic (born march 1, 2010-2013) was reincarnated to a blue si which i got on march 1 as well...hehehe... the white car is my buddies '08 si. forgive me for the crappy pics and the poor crops.

welcome to the forum brother, I also upgraded from a DX 8th gen, power door locks feel amazing! lol
A couple of initial thoughts comparing my '10 dx and my '13 Si... I know some people might bash me but I thought my 8th gen dx actually had better shift feel. I thought the throws were way shorter than the Si (might have to do something with 5speed vs 6speed?). Also the steering feel felt more precise and had a little more feedback than my 13 Si which is kinda strange because I'm comparing a dx to an si. This might all change in due time when I put a couple more mileage. But so far this is what I've observed. No regrets getting the Si though hehehehe
A couple of initial thoughts comparing my '10 dx and my '13 Si... I know some people might bash me but I thought my 8th gen dx actually had better shift feel. I thought the throws were way shorter than the Si (might have to do something with 5speed vs 6speed?). Also the steering feel felt more precise and had a little more feedback than my 13 Si which is kinda strange because I'm comparing a dx to an si. This might all change in due time when I put a couple more mileage. But so far this is what I've observed. No regrets getting the Si though hehehehe

Shifting was definitely smoother in my 7th Civic LX. I didn't really notice a difference in the length of the throws.

If you can only afford to do one mod to your car, the following should be at the top of the list:
Also the steering feel felt more precise and had a little more feedback than my 13 Si which is kinda strange because I'm comparing a dx to an si. This might all change in due time when I put a couple more mileage. But so far this is what I've observed. No regrets getting the Si though hehehehe
I believe the steering feel is likely due to the change to an electric steering system for the 9th gen Civic.
Ahhh...the DX. Nothing like buying a brand new car that felt like it should have been new a decade before!

Tell me about it, I hated when I would pick up friends and have to explain why I didnt have power door locks lmao. See the way my doors are set up... (If you ever seen any of the Kevin Hard stand ups)
It was nice and sunny here today so I went out to wash my baby... turns out the Audi is too enticing and I washed that instead!
The Midnight Blue A4 makes my DBP look so bright.


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