George Zimmerman Trial?

Yes, that is my understanding. Zimmerman said he was on his way back to his truck when Martin approached him, asked him, "You got a problem MFer" and punched him, Zimmerman, in the face. I've been following the trial on the HLN network. The vast majority of the testimony I have heard, even from prosecution witnesses, seems to support Zimmerman's view of what unfolded. I hope the jury will reach its verdict based on the facts, and not on skin color, politics, etc. Since the O.J. trial, it seems whenever two people of different races are involved, we lose control of the courts and lose sight of the law.
I wouldn't be surprised if people make death threats to Zimmerman...because that will make them feel much better about themselves as people...

I still hate the media for brainwashing everyone by showing them how Trayvon was a tiny child and Zimmerman as a 'white' thug.

...And my facebook page is exploding.
Never thought I'd miss hearing about Paula Deen...because you know this is all we're going to hear about for weeks now >_<
And Hernandez from the Patriots.

Don't forget about the OJ Simpson trial. OJ was proven innocent and everyone suddenly stopped looking for the murderer. Where was 'justice' there? Lol.
Isn't Zimmerman Hispanic? Not that it should make a difference
That's what I want to know..... It sounds more like an excuse for white hate... Zimmerman isn't white........ There's been a lot of cell phone flash mobs going around our Country in the last year, and it's picking up the pace since this Zimmerman thing....
I do see that stalking someone walking though an area is not a good way to protect the area, wait till they do something wrong....... also he was told by the 911 dispatcher not to pursue Trayvon.
I'm pleased with the outcome, but sorry that George Zimmerman was put through this ordeal for the sake of preventing riots by one segment of society. The police had it right in the first place when they did not charge George Zimmerman. Shame on Florida's State's Attorney for caving to pressure from the U.S. Department of Justice. FYI, it has been reported the D.O.J. encouraged and funded demonstrations, calling for Zimmerman's arrest and prosecution. You'd think the DO.J. would have enough to do policing the Obama administration.

FWIW, I believe Zimmerman is half Hispanic and half white.
There was definitely enough evidence for charges and an arrest, or there wouldn't have been one. This situation definitely warranted a full investigation, especially since the victim can't speak for himself. The verdict was fair, and I think this trial will teach a lot of people a valuable lesson in restraint. I have a feeling that this won't be the last we here of Zimmerman in court though, be it federal charges or civil ones.
FYI, it has been reported the D.O.J. encouraged and funded demonstrations, calling for Zimmerman's arrest and prosecution. You'd think the DO.J. would have enough to do policing the Obama administration.

The State run Community Relations Service's job (the arm of the DOJ) is to resolve community conflicts arising from racial tensions, which this case unfortunately created. They did not directly encourage or fund any demonstrations, but were engaged in peacekeeping activities. Obama was not directly involved, as its not his branch of governance.
The State run Community Relations Service's job (the arm of the DOJ) is to resolve community conflicts arising from racial tensions, which this case unfortunately created. They did not directly encourage or fund any demonstrations, but were engaged in peacekeeping activities. Obama was not directly involved, as its not his branch of governance.

Is it me, or has the conflict from racial tensions really escalated in the last few years? Everything seems to be a racial hot-button item. Seems like anything the opposition party does is automatically racist, especially if it's just not liking the current administrations politics. This case had race all over it, really only after the news media, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and yes, Barack Obama made it a race issue..."a WHITE Hispanic shot a BLACK kid", Obama quote "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon", etc. This all started over three months after the shooting happened and Sanford police investigated and found there wasn't enough evidence to pursue conviction. The state attorney in charge Norm Wolfinger lost his job not pursuing the prosecution. The reasons this case went this far was race injection by state and national politicians making it a racial issue.
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While the killings in Chicago that happened a few days ago were barely being mentioned in the news/media.
Is it me, or has the conflict from racial tensions really escalated in the last few years? Everything seems to be a racial hot-button item. Seems like anything the opposition party does is automatically racist, especially if it's just not liking the current administrations politics. This case had race all over it, really only after the news media, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and yes, Barack Obama made it a race issue..."a WHITE Hispanic shot a BLACK kid", Obama quote "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon", etc. This all started over three months after the shooting happened and Sanford police investigated and found there wasn't enough evidence to pursue conviction. The state attorney in charge Norm Wolfinger lost his job not pursuing the prosecution. The reasons this case went this far was race injection by state and national politicians making it a racial issue.
The CRS was established in the 60's. It's nothing new. And no. It doesn't seem to me that racial conflict has escalated, In fact, in comparison to the past, it would seem that racial conflict has receded sharply. Racial conflict only appears rampant because this is the first time in a while race has been a big part of political discourse, with the president being elected.

Charges were pursued way before Obama said anything about the case. None of the charges were race related. Zimmerman was charged because there was enough evidence to charge him. The prosecution believed there was more to the story. No reasonable person would deny that. Zimmerman's guilt or innocence in the 2nd degree murder case had nothing at all to do with race. Zimmerman would have been charged no matter what race either of them were.