jnastii's build thread

first post has a buddy club spec 2 custom exhaust? how you gonna go about doing that?

we were doing just the axle back since i dont want it to be that loud.
but changes of plan i think. im using a different tip but still a straight pipe idea

word? Where do you work? Damn you were in my neck of the woods and I didnt get to see this beauty!!

i work for CVS/Pharmacy
bro let me know whenever you go to a meet here in jersey! I have to go!!

i sure will!! i use to be at every single meet. reason why i had 12k miles in my car by 7month owning it! haha
and im not sure if you heard if the "applebees parsipanny mega meet"? that was my meet. had 3k cars come out!
Too epic! Yeah, come out to Starbucks when it resumes bro!
finally got a chance to install the head lights yesterday! final installed pics will be up later today!!!!!
and i have a set just that came in! if interested PM me

heres some night pics I took







Corolla with a 9th gen front conversion? why not? lol :dance:
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