Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

I'll drink hot tea at the breakfast area but I don't trust the tea bags in the rooms. They could be old, messed with.. F that.
I'm also bougie and don't stay at basic hotels lol

Sooo bougie people in bougie hotels are somehow tampering with sealed tea bags inside rooms, but they leave them tamper free at the breakfast area? :shady:
Sooo bougie people in bougie hotels are somehow tampering with sealed tea bags inside rooms, but they leave them tamper free at the breakfast area? :shady:
Oh bougie hotels are fine. It's the cheaper hotels I don't trust lol
Oh bougie hotels are fine. It's the cheaper hotels I don't trust lol
How much are bougie hotels? Because I paid between 140 and 200 a night for 5 hotels and all of them were cleaner than any hotel I have stayed at in Canada. Another thing that blew me away. Only chose ones that had the best reviews. Never seen so many hotel reviews with almost no bad reviews.
How much are bougie hotels? Because I paid between 140 and 200 a night for 5 hotels and all of them were cleaner than any hotel I have stayed at in Canada. Another thing that blew me away. Only chose ones that had the best reviews. Never seen so many hotel reviews with almost no bad reviews.

Your price range is inline with what I'd pay. I was being funny saying bougie.
That looks both awesome and miserable, and now i want to figure out how to get a wood fire cooking apparatus like that in my kitchen
I cannot fathom how hot that kitchen would get, but it’s super awesome
Neighbours upstairs must have been building furniture from 2 am till now ( 5:30) above our room. I don't miss apartment living.
As an upstairs neighbor, I can confirm all of this; I am almost constantly dropping cooking utensils.

Joke's on them though, if they come upstairs I'LL ENTRAP THEM INTO WATCHING HOURS OF ANIME WITH ME

My car is in Winnipeg as of this morning.

Last day in Vancouver. Ferry reservations at 730am tomorrow.
It’s a good week to move over. The latter half of the spring has been absolutely gorgeous this year.