Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Evening :howdy:
Hat Tip Cowboy Bowling Big Lebowski GIF |
A few weeks worth of heating this fall/winter. All heating here is electric and Costa a lot. I was told I'll need more than 4 times this amount.
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It’s hard to tell, but is that like 1/4 or 1/2 a cord? There are people locally that burn 1-2 cords a winter, and they still use gas heat besides. I don’t know of anyone around here who uses just wood to heat all winter long, but I’m sure there are some cabins that do.
It’s hard to tell, but is that like 1/4 or 1/2 a cord? There are people locally that burn 1-2 cords a winter, and they still use gas heat besides. I don’t know of anyone around here who uses just wood to heat all winter long, but I’m sure there are some cabins that do.
Supposed to be a whole cord. It was two pick up beds full.

This is a two story house so it should be interesting. Hydro is super expensive here. Right now I'm paying just under $300cnd every 2 months without using the heat. The majority of the cost has been the water heater and washing machine/dryer.
Hard to get a scope of scale, but that doesn’t look like a cord to me? Maybe it is

8ft long, by 4 foot tall, by 4 foot wide stacked neatly would be a cord.

@AlmosN8kd - '92 Dodge Stealth on FB Marketplace close to me... lol

$15k he wants :rotfl: The chrome fender pieces add to the visual appeal... :giggle:


Hard to get a scope of scale, but that doesn’t look like a cord to me? Maybe it is

8ft long, by 4 foot tall, by 4 foot wide stacked neatly would be a cord.

View attachment 66285
I have to agree with you. I would say I got half a cord. Maybe 3/4. It was piled in two pick ups with 6.5 foot boxes. I think the wood isn't dry like advertised either. Always a pleasure getting screwed.
Today is a holiday. Truth and reconciliation day for native Americans. I think only bc gets the day off. Then next Monday is thanksgiving. Two holidays in a row.
Next Monday is Columbus Day and I'm off work.