Night Owls - Where are you?

lol yeah and if I lay down in bed too soon after eating'll burn up my throat as if I'm going to regurgitate it. Not pleasant. I'll stay awake :)
It's anything acidic or spicy really :giggle:

I just happen to have 10lbs worth of grapefruit here at the moment :giggle:
Husband ( jrotax101 ) won't touch citrus for the most part unless it's pulpless orange juice.
Until recently he wasn't a big fruit or vegetable eater (apart from broccoli and carrots)
I've really turned him around :giggle:

I've had some health issues for the past few years but I think I've finally figured them out.
Took forever though, lots of trial and error...and failed doctors appointments. Seems I'm allergic to gluten and dairy. So I have to really pay attention to what I fresh fruits/vegetables/meats are best
The mix of gluten and dairy can be ridiculously tough :\ thankfully I can handle soy or i'd be screwed. It seems nearly impossible for me to eat out anywhere.
It's amazing how many things are gluten items...and how many products contain gluten
lol yeah and if I lay down in bed too soon after eating'll burn up my throat as if I'm going to regurgitate it. Not pleasant. I'll stay awake :)
Try omneprozol it's a knock Prilosec. I take it once a day and it helped me. I used to have the same problem.
So is that Celiac disease? A couple of my family members have to deal with it, and it seems not too difficult to live with. Places like Trader Joe's and whole foods have a great gluten-free selection. Also there are many places that sell gluten-free flour, if you're ok at making meals from scratch. That seems to be the safest option, considering you know exactly what is in your food. Just thinking out loud here :)
I've been tested for Celiac but it came back negative...but I've heard that can happen. I've spent every day 24/7 for over the past 2 years, nauseous. Since I finally figured out why and cut those two things out, I've been great! If I get a hold of them...i'm really sick

I've found a lot of things to be very expensive...almost double the price if not more of regular items. I'm getting used to watching other people eat things I really love and not being able to have ice cream, cheese, PIZZA, etc. Everything else is not the same >_< Although I just found a dairy/gluten-free "milk" chocolate rice puff chocolate bar thing that was nearly identical to a nestle crunch bar. Night = made.

I do have some gluten-free flour in the house right now from King Arthur. 1lb 8oz = ~$5 . 5lb bag of regular flour = ~$3 :pat:
I have dairy-free butter also by Earth Balance. Good stuff.
You don't have to watch people eat pizza without you, use that gluten free flour and make some pizza dough! It's real easy, I've made gluten free pizza for my sister before. And you can top it with fresh tomatoes, shredded basil, and olive oil, no cheese :)
That stuff is expensive tho :(
My family is Italian. My body doesn't want to be :rotfl:

It's just not the same...those family recipes etc that use the same exact things that are handed down. Now I can't have most of the stuff and a lifetime of family foods I can no longer You know when they make something exactly what it tastes like and you know if they forgot something. My memories :(

I should make myself a nice vegetable pizza though...lots of stuff on it.

I started blogging my finds and meals. It has been interesting.